Hamburg, Germany: Fire and Flames for the Police!

In Hamburg we say goodbye to cop cars

On March 17, we set fire to two police cars in Hamburg. Right near the residence of Mayor Olaf Scholze we burned the vehicle of his guards on Schmarjestraße. In the Hindenburgstraße in front of the office of the police union (GdP) and directly in front of the police, a GdP van was torched.

The police union and their national chairman Kirsch threatened after the riot in Hamburg on 21.12.2013 that “Next time we will use sharp shooters!” A warning of an escalation in Hamburg, with reference to the clashes in Genoa and the assassination of Carlo Giuliani, was issued in a similar manner by the Confederation of German Detectives. It is quite clear that in the event of a loss of control during the G20 summit that dead demonstrators cannot be ruled out. The daily victims of the cops are seen as necessary collateral losses for this system.

The police union together work with the German police force as the political arm of the cops. They urge for a tightening of penalties regarding ‘physical’ attacks on police officers. For example, the planned paragraph 114 proposes that attacks should be punished more easily and more severely and in any case with imprisonment. There would not even need to be any physical injury. And if the attacker is carrying a weapon without using it or with the intention to use it, the punishment increases. The previous legislative paragraph was already tightened in 2011. But, contrary to the figures presented to the public, attacks on police officers have actually decreased in recent years. Even criminal lawyers have stated that serious injuries to police leading to prolonged incapacity in Germany are extremely rare. How unfortunate! So it seems obvious for whom their laws work.

The police union now have one less vehicle to provide the cops with coffee during the summit. And there is also one less van that can get in our way or patrol our neighborhoods. This may not be much, but it can be repeated at any time by anybody who decides to do so. Let us destroy what oppresses us. There is nothing to wait for!

We remember Ian Tomlinson, who died of a heart attack at the London G20 summit in 2009 after the cops had knocked him to the ground several times, bashed him and made no attempt to revive him.
We remember Carlo Giuliani, who was shot dead by the cops during the Genoa G7 summit in 2001. And to all those whose names are unknown who were murdered in everyday circumstances by the cops.

Before the summit, during the summit and after the summit: Against the state, capitalism and all authority!

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Reivindicación de responsabilidad y declaración – Célula Fuego Salvaje

Reivindicación de responsabilidad y declaración – Célula Fuego Salvaje
“ Ya es hora de que quememos este país , este mundo artificial; Es el inicio del fuego negro que consumirá sus negocios e industrias de la asquerosa sociedad tecno-industrial. Es ahora el momento de articular una crítica directa y fría , alejándola de las fantasías , presentándola y presentando golpes”

A medida que la plaga de la modernización se extiende en los cementerios urbanos de la sociedad de masas tecnológica, asfixiando cada vez más nuestra existencia cada día que pasa, continuamos con nuestra guerra personal contra la civilización y las hordas de cobardes sumisos que la reproducen y la sostienen con sus actos cotidianos de servidumbre y conformismo.

Las nuevas innovaciones en el reino del control tecnológico y la dominación avanzan diariamente, con la mayoría dando la bienvenida a la proliferación de las tecnologías “inteligentes” y la digitalización total de cada aspecto de la vida. En el nombre de la “comodidad” las masas hiper-civilizados miden la totalidad de sus inútiles vidas a través de pantallas y receptores, alimentando al leviatán industrial con un interminable flujo de datos. Datos que, con la ayuda de corporaciones como Google, Facebook, Microsoft , Vodafone, Sony etc se usan para promover programas de vigilancia estatales y gubernamentales , solidificando e imponiendo las ilusiones de “paz social” y control.

Las antenas de telefonía móvil , además de funcionar como piezas importantes de infraestructura técnica para el buen funcionamiento de la sociedad y del proceso de estupidez masiva, también emiten enormes cantidades de toxicidad en forma de ondas de radio y micro-ondas , resultando en tumores, daños cerebrales en criaturas que viven cerca y es conocido que interfieren en los sentidos de navegación de las aves y los insectos, lo que lleva a las muertes en masa de colonias enteras de abejas y , por tanto , causando daños irreparables a los ecosistemas existentes.

Sabemos que destruyendo esas antenas y cortando un par de venas del sector de comunicaciones hacemos poco para dañar a las corporaciones que poseen esos aparatos , pero creamos momentos de placer y satisfacción egoísta en nuestras vidas, rompiendo la rutinización de la vida al gastar el tiempo en las ciudades y con el objetivo de causar estrés e incomodidad entre los tecno-adictos de las masas repugnantes, interrumpiendo la cada vez más normalizada y fabricada “necesidad” de conectividad constante.

En las últimas horas del 2/2/17 , acompañados por nuestro furioso odio a la sociedad y un profundo amor por los animales no-humanos antes mencionados, esparcimos nuestro fuego en las heladas calles de Leipzig, Alemania. Encapuchados y enmascarados , acechando bajo la protección de la oscuridad nos dirigimos a nuestro primer objetivo, un grupo de antenas bien escondidas propiedad de Vodafone. Prendimos fuego a una serie de cables que subían en el lado de una chimenea de ladrillo entre algunas casas y una cafetería hipster vegana. Las llamas se extendieron arriba a través de los cables hasta alcanzar las antenas , envolviéndolas en llamas completamente y esparciendo llamas y chispazos en un área de 60 metros. Esto se logró cubriendo el fondo de los cables expuestos en gel inflamable y luego colocando dos dispositivos incendiarios de combustión lenta entre los cables. Los encendimos y nos echamos a reír mientras desaparecíamos una vez más en la noche.

Después en la noche del 7/2/17 se llevaron a cabo más ataques por parte de una individualidad de la célula en otra parte de la ciudad, estas son sus palabras.

…Entre los sonidos del bosque invernal y los sonidos de las criaturas no-humanas que intentan vivir sus vidas salvajes, en medio de estos momentos de calma , me oigo a mi mismo preguntándome por los momentos de alegría , los libres momentos de rabia. Así que , destruí 7 torres de caza y cuando terminé , mi deseo era ir a por más. Más momentos de actividad silenciosa entre el canto de los pájaros. Más momentos de auto-liberación. Así que , en la misma noche , le prendí fuego a 6 coches de forma indiscriminada. Sin preocupaciones por las ideas morales de objetivos éticos y objetivos aceptables, ni las abstractas ideas de lo “correcto” y lo “incorrecto”. Sólo con mi deseo completamente solitario de perturbar la vida civilizada normal, solo por el olor a goma quemada en el aire helado del invierno cuando sabes que mañana algunos esclavos civilizados van a llorar por sus asquerosos coches. Tres de ellos ardieron por completo.

En el reporte de las noticias sobre este ataque, la policía hizo declaraciones con respecto a los motivos de la serie de incendios provocados que “Queda descartada una motivación política”. Nos sorprendió ver que estos imbéciles hicieron algo bien. Nos importa una mierda lo “politico” , solo queremos divertirnos mientras observamos el mundo entero arder.


Cuando comenzamos a reivindicar algunos de nuestros actos de destrucción como Célula Fuego Salvaje, también asociamos nuestra pequeña pandilla con el FLA, FLT y FAI como parte de un experimento final en la comunicación con otras individualidades interesantes dentro del ámbito “Anarquista” con quienes no estábamos en contacto directo. Luego en nuestro segundo comunicado abandonamos el uso de estas siglas y hablamos brevemente de algunas de nuestras motivaciones para hacerlo. Vamos a tomarnos un tiempo para continuar el diálogo que concierne a este proceso aquí, con el fin de deconstruir abstracciones de nuestras ideas de las cuales nosotros mismos fuimos sus autores.

Como ya hemos dicho previamente , ya no necesitamos más esas etiquetas para “identificarnos” a nosotros mismos o a nuestras acciones como “parte” de algo. Nunca perteneceremos a los “movimientos” creados por estas reificadas identidades colectivistas y rechazamos total y especialmente los principios moralizantes de “no-violencia” hacia los “humanos” defendidos por las tendencias de Frente de Liberación Animal y el Frente de Liberación de la Tierra.

Conservamos el nombre de la Célula para marcar claramente nuestra salida de las alcantarillas del pensamiento ideológico y/o idealista y dar a conocer el desarrollo de nuestros deseos y praxis iconoclasta. Para ser honestos con nosotros mismos , creemos que en nuestro primer comunicado se algunas afirmaciones erróneas fueron hechas por el uso de expresiones que a veces sentimos que se corresponden con nuestras pasiones, pero que dentro del cenagal de las interacciones civilizadas, las cadenas del lenguaje representan la oportunidad de incontables interpretaciones erróneas, convirtiendo nuestros gritos de guerra en simples eslóganes y lemas que reproducen roles e ideales. Nuestro objetivo es acabar con todos estos fantasmas que impiden el fortalecimiento de nuestras individualidades y bloquean nuestros caminos hacia el caos de una existencia salvaje y sin mediación por la cual nos esforzamos en el presente.

Desde este momento los comunicados y reivindicaciones de responsabilidad procedentes de cada núcleo de la Célula Fuego Salvaje serán acompañados del nombre de la célula secundaria que permita mayor flexibilidad y autonomía en la realización de ataques internacionales y para una expresión más clara de los motivos y opiniones del individuo/s responsable/s.

Dejamos bien claro que esto no es una “llamada” para que otros que no conocemos tomen nuestro nombre en el pluralismo ritualista típico del ámbito “anarquista”. Es simplemente un movimiento estratégico en nuestro beneficio para mejorar nuestras capacidades para una mayor destrucción.


Cuando hablamos de idealismo, nos referimos a la hipócrita idea de luchar por una meta o causa ajena, por algún futuro mejor o algún ídolo mitificado. Como no creemos en la posibilidad de destruir completamente la prisión de la civilización, nuestros actos de destrucción son actos que tienden a nuestra auto-liberación. Actos que pretenden romper las cadenas que la sociedad nos ha impuesto desde el nacimiento y crear el potencial para escapar de la gran jaula momentáneamente mediante descivilizarnos y volvernos peligrosos. La idea de causar terror y perturbaciones entre las masas dormidas y transformar los mundos oníricos del progresismo y la utopía en una pesadilla viva para aquellos que consideramos nuestros enemigos es para nosotros otra parte importante de por que llevamos a cabo nuestros actos egoístas y criminales.

No somos “Anarquistas” porque hace mucho tiempo que hemos rechazado la estancada ideología del “Anarquismo”. No somos tan tontos como para depositar “esperanza” alguna en la “lucha”. No estamos motivados por fantasías devotas de “victoria”, “revolución” o “colapso”. Nos hemos vuelto completamente enfermos de este circo cristianizador y de toda la pose , censura , puñaladas traperas , predicación moralista y de la incesante charlatanería aburrida. No estamos diciendo que todos los que se llaman así mismos “Anarquistas” caigan en esta trampa ideológica , todavía hay algunos que reclaman esta “identidad” para sí mismos, esa es su discreción. De entre estos pocos contamos con orgullo a algunos de nuestros aliados cercanos y nuestros cómplices.

Somos un pequeño círculo de criminales nihilistas e individualistas egoístas. El nihilismo para nosotros representa un proceso de negación y rechazo, es nuestra herramienta para derribar las paredes de las construcciones civilizadas impuestas sobre nuestros egos indomables. Las cadenas culturales-sociales de “moralidad”, “identidad” , “género” , “altruismo” , “optimismo” , “igualdad” , “solidaridad” , “respeto” , “humanismo” , “antropocentrismo” etc desaparecen en las llamas de la destrucción iconoclasta. Cuando nos dirigimos a la batalla , empuñamos nuestro nihilismo como un arma con la cual creamos juguetonamente momentos de placentera ruptura dentro de los asfixiantes confines de la sociedad tecno-industrial en el aquí y ahora. Estamos motivados por nuestros deseos y pasiones de venganza por todo lo que hemos perdido. Con toda la fuerza y el ingenio que poseemos , volvemos nuestra vitalidad en nuestros medios de ataque contra la realidad que odiamos, encontrando a nuestros enemigos de frente y saliendo mas fuertes para ello.


Hemos vagado por todas partes, hemos visto la belleza del caos natural en el interior de los antiguos bosques y entre las hierbas que rompen el hormigón. En la soledad de las cimas de las montañas y en los encuentros silenciosos con otros individuos nocturnos acechando la noche. Cuando afilamos nuestros cuchillos en las sombras de los bosques y conspiramos alrededor de fogatas con nuestros fieros cómplices, con quienes compartimos el deseo de romper las jaulas de nuestra domesticación y convertirnos en seres salvajes.

Hemos sido testigos de primera mano de la devastación que el reino de la “humanidad” ocasiona en el medio ambiente terrestre, hemos estado en los límites de vastas y desoladas canteras, hemos caminado por los bosques talados y por las playas cubiertas de petróleo sembradas de plástico y de los cadáveres de peces y pájaros, sintiendo el odio y la ira aumentando dentro de nosotros más y más como la negrura que se reúne en nuestros pulmones. Hemos visto los horrores dentro de las granjas de fábrica y cada uno supimos entonces en nuestros corazones que la liberación por sí sola nunca sería suficiente.

Hemos colocado artefactos incendiarios, incendiando las máquinas e infraestructura que aniquilan lo salvaje, paralizando momentáneamente las normas y procedimientos del orden civilizado. Hemos lanzado ataques contra los empleados de las empresas ecocidas a la luz del día ya la luz de la luna, sintiéndonos más vivos que nunca mientras huían ante nuestros cuchillos, molotovs y piedras. Nuestros actos de vandalismo han causado apagones y conexiones de Internet y teléfono cortadas a innumerables hogares y negocios. Hemos tomado parte en disturbios con intenciones criminal que no se limitan a simplemente romper algunas ventanas y nuestras manos rabiosas se mueven para robar todas las necesidades de nuestra supervivencia que están al alcance.

Somos individualistas amorales , ilegalistas , antisociales y no-arrepentidos en guerra con la sociedad tecno-industrial y todo el progreso humano.

Con coraje y determinación seguimos practicando nuevas técnicas en la aplicación de las artes destructivas, mejorando nuestros métodos de sabotaje , ataque y evasión. No nos vamos a detener ante nada, nuestros ataques surgirán de forma asimétrica a medida que nos escabullimos de sombra en sombra y nuestros fuegos continuarán extendiéndose por todo este asqueroso continente.

Nuestras líneas de batalla están dibujadas y sabemos dónde estamos; En complicidad con los feroces anticivilizacionistas, los eco-extremistas, los incontrolables y los pesimistas que, carentes de esperanza ni de temor, siguen devolviendo sin vergüenza, indiscriminados y decisivos golpes contra la tecno-colmena.

“Hacia la proliferación de ataques y la coordinación de grupos e individualidades para atacar más fuerte y constantemente contra la civilización patriarcal y su marco tecno-industrial, el camino es arduo e incierto, sólo nuestras acciones en el presente revelan nuestras convicciones reales.”

¡La aniquilación despiadada es lo único que merece este sistema podrido, sus representantes, sus trabajadores y sus leales ciudadanos!

¡Que los jueces-moralistas de todas las ramas sigan lloriqueando y gimoteando! ¡Que los charlatanes sigan hablando!

¡Adelante con la guerra!

-Célula Fuego Salvaje

PD: Nos alegró saber que en la mañana del 8/2/17 hubo una amenza de bomba a los estudiantes del Centro de Educación y Tecnología (BTZ) en Leipzig, causando la evacuación de 500 personas de las instalaciones, una gran respuesta policial y militar y un estado de miedo y pánico entre los asquerosos estudiantes y proferos progresistas. Los actos terroristas de este tipo , especialmente los que están dirigidos contra las instituciones tecno-científicas, son algo raro en esta región geográfica particular y damos la bienvenida a la propagación del conflicto y el desorden dentro de la “Fortaleza Europa”. Los bárbaros ya están dentro de los muros. Siempre hemos estado aquí y siempre lo estaremos.

(Traducido por Traces of Fire)

(Versión original : actforfree.nostate)

Germany-Claim of responsibility and Statement – Wildfire Cell

Claim of responsibility and Statement – Wildfire Cell


“It’s about time that we burned this country, this artificial world; it’s the onset of the black fire that will consume their businesses and industry of the filthy techno-industrial society. It is now time to articulate a direct and cold criticism, away from fantasies, put it forth, and present strikes.”

As the plague of modernization runs rampant in the urban-cemetaries of technological mass-society, suffocating our existence more and more with every passing day, we press on with our personal war against civilization and the hordes of submissive cowards who recreate and uphold it with their everyday acts of servitude and compliance.

New innovations in the realm of technological control and domination advance daily, with most welcoming the proliferation of “smart” technologies and the total digitalization of life’s every aspect. In the name of “convenience” the hyper-civilized masses mediate the entirety of their worthless lives through screens and receivers, feeding the industrial leviathan with an endless stream of data. Data which with the aid of corporations like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Vodafone, Sony etc. is used to further state and governmental surveillance programs, solidifying and enforcing the illusions of “social peace” and control.

Mobile phone antennas, besides functioning as important pieces of technical infrastructure for the smooth-functioning of society and the process of mass stupification also emit massive amounts of toxicity in the form of radiowaves and microwaves, resulting in tumors and brain damage in creatures dwelling nearby and are known to interfere with the navigational senses of birds and insects, leading to mass die-offs of entire colonies of bees and thus causing irreparable damage to existing ecosystems.

We know that by destroying these antennas and severing a couple of veins of the telecommunications sector we do little to harm the corporations who own these devices, but we create moments of pleasure and egoistic satisfaction in our lives, breaking with the routinization of life when spending time in the cities and aiming to cause stress and discomfort amongst the techno-junkies of the repugnant masses by disrupting the increasingly normalized and manufactured “need” for constant connectivity.
In the late hours of 2/2/17, accompanied by our furious hatred of society and a deep love for the aforementioned non-human animals, we spread our fire to the icy streets of Leipzig, Germany. Hooded and masked, we lurked under the cover of darkness and headed for our first target, a cluster of well-hidden antennas owned by Vodafone. We put the torch to a number of cables that ran up the side of a brick chimney between some houses and a vegan hipster cafe. The flames climbed all the way up the cables to the antennas, engulfing them completely and scattering flames and sparks across an area of 60 meters. This was achieved by covering the bottom of the exposed cables in flammable gel and then placing two slow-burning incendiaries between the cables. We lit them up and set off laughing to ourselves as we disappeared once more into the night.

Then on the night of 7/2/17 more attacks were carried out by an individuality of the cell in a different area of the city, these are their words.

… Between the sounds of the wintering forest and the sounds of non-human creatures trying to live their wild lives, in the middle of these calming moments I hear myself asking for moments of joy, for the free moments of rage. So I destroyed 7 hunting towers and when I was finished, my desire was asking for more. More moments of silent activities between the singing of the birds. More moments of self liberation. So in the same night I set fire to 6 cars indiscriminately. Without caring for the moral ideas of targets and accepted targets, the abstract ideas of the “right” or “wrong”. Just with my fully lonely desire for disturbing normal civilized life, just for the smell of burning rubber in the frosty winter air when you know that tomorrow some civilized slaves are going to cry for their disgusting cars. Three of them were torched completely…

In the news report concerning this attack, the police made the statement with regards to the motives of the arson spree that “A political background, however, can be excluded”. We were surprised to see that these morons actually got one thing right. We don’t give a shit about the “political”, we just want to have some fun while watching this whole world burn.


When we first began claiming some of our acts of destruction as the Wildfire Cell, we also associated our little gang with the ALF, ELF and FAI as part of a final experiment in communication between other interesting individualities within the “Anarchist” camp who we were not in direct contact with. Then in our second communique we abandoned the use of these acronyms and spoke briefly about some of our motivations for doing so. We will take the time to continue the dialogue surrounding this process here, for the sake of deconstructing the abstractions of our ideas which we ourselves were the authors of.

As we expressed previously, we no longer need these labels to “identify” ourselves or our actions as a “part” of anything. We will never belong to the “movements” created by these reified collectivist identities and we completely and especially reject the moralizing principles of “non-violence” towards “humans” advocated by the tendencies of the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front.

We retained the name of the cell to mark clearly our departure from the sewers of ideologicalized and/or idealistic thinking and signify the development of our desires and iconoclastic praxis. To be honest with ourselves, we feel that in our first communique some rather erroneous claims were made by the use of expressions which at times we feel correspond with our passions, but inside the quagmire of civilized interactions, the chains of language present the opportunity for countless misinterpretations, rendering our war cries into mere slogans and catch-phrases reproducing roles and ideals. We aim to do away with all of these ghosts that hinder the strengthening of our individualities and block our paths towards the chaos of an unmediated, wild existence which we strive for in the present.

From here on the communiques and claims of responsibility coming from each nuclei of the Wildfire Cell will be accompanied by a secondary cell name to allow for greater flexibility and autonomy in carrying out international attacks and for clearer expression of the motives and opinions held by the individual(s) responsible.

We will be very clear that this is no “call out” for others who we do not know to take up our name in the ritualistic pluralism typical of the “Anarchist” camp. It is simply a strategic move on our behalf to enhance our capabilities for greater destruction.


When we speak of idealism, we mean the hypocritical idea of fighting for an external goal or cause, for some better future or mystified idol. As we do not believe in the possibility of destroying the prison of civilization completely, our acts of destruction are acts tending towards our self-liberation. Acts which aim to break the chains that society has forced upon us from birth and create the potential to escape the great cage momentarily by decivilizing ourselves and becoming dangerous. The idea of causing terror and disturbances amongst the slumbering masses and transforming the dream worlds of progressivism and utopia into a living nightmare for those we consider our enemies is for us an other important part of the reasons why we carry out our egoistic and criminal acts.

We are not “Anarchists” because we have long since rejected the stagnant ideology of “Anarchism”. We are not so foolish to invest any “hope” in the “struggle”. We are not motivated by devotional fantasies of “victory”, “revolution” or “collapse”. We have grown utterly sick of this christianizing circus and all of the posturing, censorship, backstabbing, moralistic preaching and the ceaseless dull chatter. We are not saying that all who call themselves “anarchists” fall into this ideological trap, there are still some unique ones who claim this “identity” for themselves, that is their discretion. Amongst these few we proudly count some of our close allies and accomplices.

We are a small circle of criminal nihilists and selfish individualists. Nihilism for us represents a process of negation and denial, it is our tool to tear down the walls of civilized constructs imposed on our indomitable egos. The cultural-social chains of “morality”, “identity”, “gender”, “altruism”, “optimism”, “equality”, “solidarity”, “respect”, “humanism”, “anthropocentrism” and so forth all go up in the flames of iconoclastic destruction. When we head into battle, we wield our nihilism as a weapon with which we playfully create moments of joyous rupture within the suffocating confines of techno-industrial society in the here and now. We are motivated by our desires and passions of vengeance for all that which we have lost. With all the strength and ingenuity we possess, we turn our vitality into our means of attack against the reality we hate, meeting our enemies head on and coming out stronger for it.


We have wandered far and wide. We have seen the beauty of natural chaos deep within ancient woodlands and amongst the weeds that crack the concrete. In the solitude of the mountain tops and in the silent encounters with other nocturnal individuals stalking in the night.  When sharpening our knives in the shadows of the forests and conspiring around campfires with our fierce accomplices, those with whom we share the desire to break out of the cages of our domestication and become feral beings.

We have witnessed first-hand the devastation that the kingdom of “humanity” wreaks on the earthly environment, we have stood on the edges of vast and desolate quarries, we have walked through the clear cut forests and along the oil-slicked beaches strewn with plastic and the corpses of fishes and birds, feeling the hatred and anger building up inside us more and more like the blackness that gathers in our lungs. We have seen the horrors inside the factory farms and we each knew then in our hearts that liberation alone could never be enough.

We have set off incendiaries, torching the machines and infrastructure that annihilate the wild, momentarily paralyzing the norms and procedures of civilized order. We have launched attacks on the employees of ecocidal companies by daylight and moonlight, feeling more alive than ever as they fled before our knives, molotovs and stones. Our acts of vandalism have caused powercuts and severed internet and telephone connections to countless homes and businesses. We have rioted with criminal intent that does not stop at merely breaking a few windows and our rabid hands move to steal every necessity for our survival that comes within reach.

We are amoral, illegalist, antisocial and unrepentant individualists at war with techno-industrial society and all human progress.

With courage and determination we continue to practice new techniques in the application of the destructive arts, improving our methods of sabotage, attack and evasion. As we will stop at nothing, our attacks will erupt asymmetrically as we scurry from shadow to shadow and our fires will continue to spread across this entire filthy continent.

Our battle lines are drawn and we know where we stand; in complicity with the fierce anticivilizationists, eco-extremists, uncontrollables and pessimists who, burdened neither by hope nor fear, continue to return shameless, indiscriminate and decisive blows against the techno-hive.

“Towards the proliferation of attacks and coordination of groups and individualities to strike harder and constantly against the patriarchal civilization and its techno-industrial framework, the path is arduous and uncertain, only our actions in the present reveal our real convictions.”

Merciless annihilation is the only thing this putrid system, its representatives, its workers and its loyal citizens deserve!

Let the moral-judiciaries of every stripe continue to cry and whine! Let the talkers keep on talking!

On with the war!

– Wildfire Cell

PS. We were excited to hear that on the morning of 8/2/17 a bomb threat was declared to the students of the Education and Technology Center (BTZ) in Leipzig, causing the evacuation of 500 people from the premises, a large police and military response and a state of fear and panic amongst the disgusting progressivist students and teachers. Terrorist acts of this kind, especially ones directed against the techno-science institutions are somewhat rare in this particular geographical region and we welcome the spread of unrest and disorder inside “Fortress Europe”. The barbarians are already within the walls. We have always been here and we always will be.

(Via : actforfree.nostate)

Germany: ‘In Spite Of Their Separation’ – call for action & solidarity from Rigaer94

We are writing to you from the threatened houseproject Rigaer 94 in one of Berlins once notorious squatting neighbourhoods. Our contexts might be worlds apart or really close but the reality we lived last year bears the prints of the same systematically oppressive system. In solidarity with all threatened projects, individuals and emancipatory struggles , we would like to better connect our structures and work on a closer link based on support, in our struggles.

Let’s keep walking this path together, but first a short summary of the recent past and our situation.

Last year saw us, the neighbourhood and people around, on the receiving end of much police repression, starting with the declaration by the state that our street and neighbourhood was a danger zone (Gefahrengebiet), giving the police extra search and detain powers and a green light for constant street harassment of anyone fitting their vision of a ‘leftist’, not white or somehow not normative person (this evolved into almost anyone being controlled, no matter how they presented).

This saw a massive rise in police riot vans cruising the streets, meaning constant conflicts for the neighbourhood, and in our efforts to fight for a autonomous and cop free area.

Rigaer 94 was at the centre of these conflicts, as the state and its cops declared it the crux of militant struggle.

This tactic can be seen in the wider context of reactionary imposed controls and intimidation, such as states of emergency and curfews, employed as constant stress factors (and data mining) to those against the aggressive progression of gentrification and public control.

In the beginning of the year, a traffic cop was confronted on the street while trying to give out parking tickets, seven hours later, 500 or more cops were used to raid our house.

Some days later we were raided again, this time after a bag of rubbish was thrown from a window, as cops were going through the nearby house dumpsters (this was a ‘life threatening attack’).
In response to these attacks, we made a call for 1 million euros of damage to the state and its structures to meet any attack on left radical spaces. This was consistently met.
The state was set on trying to destroy our structures and continued to put on pressure, but we never let them get on top of us.
The last attempt by them to crush our spirit was in the summer. A massive police operation was organised to evict the bottom story
(„Kadterschmiede“ bar andWorkshop) of our project. This plan was concocted by the police chief and the interior minister, who then approached the owner for the final ok.
The house was surrounded 24/7 by cops, who fenced off the front entrance and occupied the attic, stairways and yards. They protected private contractors who started a process of clearing and gutting the bottom story and attic. They were then helped by private security to control the coming and going of people from our house. The narrative given to the media was that the bottom story was going to be renovated and rented as housing for refugees. This was of course proven to be a lie and a divisive tactic by the state, who was trying to manipulate the public opinion and crush left struggle with some of its own pitfalls.
This occupation lasted three weeks.
(This is a more detailed text from the time)

In the summer we saw the occupation of our home and project come to an end from the combination of inspirational street actions and a court process. 

The court hearing concluded that the police action was ‘illegal’ and we had some sort of squatters rights to the contested areas of the house. Whether or not this action was ‘legal’ or ‘illegal’ in the eyes of the courts was and is of no concern to us, but in that moment it meant the state had to eat its own laws and go home.
Of course it would not let go so easily, and there has now been an appeal by the house owner to obtain an eviction order. In their legal way.
This court process will happens today,Thursday Febuary 2nd, and we do not expect to ‘win’.
Once the owner has this eviction paper, the earliest they could evict with due notice is two weeks after the court decision.If their first attempt fails they can theoretically try again at anytime in the future with no prior warning.

The solidarity in response to the past attacks on Rigaer 94 was incredibly powerful.

To read everyday of the actions that had happened in the night before, filled us with the strength and fire that we needed to continue this fight. The forms of resistance within the „Day X“concept were as diverse as the people showing it. The streets were full of action, but not only for us, as the struggle against gentrification is international and these and other actions have inspired and been inspired by movements from all over.

This is our strength against the repressive state and its structures – decentralized actions and autonomous organising that the state cannot even come close to keeping watered down and sated.

This is the pressure we can exert on the apparatus of capital and state.

Selforganized spaces such as Kadterschmiede in Rigaer 94 have to be defended!

We want to keep fighting not just for our housing project but for all those threatened by state violence and oppression- all those fighting for living spaces, all those sitting in prisons, all those fighting for their own autonomous futures, all those who are fighting just to live.

All evictions are Day X.

Day X will only bring us together again and strengthen and extend our networks of rebellion.

Day X means Chaos

Teilt unsere Wut!

Every heart is a revolutionary cell.
See you on the streets.


(Via : insurrectionnewsworldwide)

Hambach, Germany: Coordinated arson attacks against energy multinational RWE

In the late hours of 25-11-16, we carried out coordinated arson attacks against the German energy multinational RWE in the vicinity of the Hambach opencast lignite mine. We have delayed this communique until now (11-1-17) for strategic purposes.

After a scout of the area, we split up and set fire to six pumping stations, two electrical transformers, one digger and a substation of the electrical grid.
Pumping stations are key pieces of the mines infrastructure used to lower the water table and prevent the flooding of the mine. They most often resemble a section of exposed pipe and an electrical box surrounded by construction fence. We prised open the electrical boxes using a crowbar and placed simple timed incendiary devices and a bundle of bicycle inner tubes inside to ensure the flames caught nicely.

The incendiary devices were composed of a candle secured to a firelighter cube with a strong rubber band. The candles burnt down slowly, then ignited the firelighters once we were safely away from the area. After smashing a window to gain access, we used the same devices to burn out the cab of the digger.

For the transformers and the substation we burnt car tires filled with gasoline soaked rags. We placed these beneath exposed insulated cabling on the substation and inside the transformers. Within several minutes these targets were engulfed in flames and as we departed the substation exploded, sending arcing electricity and purple flames ten metres into the night sky. Although this caused a blackout two kilometres wide, the local media-scum failed to mention it in any of their press, downplaying it to the burning of the two transformers alone.

As the techno-industrial megamachine grinds on every day, destroying and polluting all that is still wild and beautiful in this world, we feel that actions like this are a necessary measure to stay sane and remind ourselves that we are still alive amidst all of the destruction and misery of modern society.

After all, the only way one can enjoy the industrial landscape at all is by crawling around in the tall grasses and nettles with the other animals and finding a good vantage point from which to observe pillars of black smoke rising from the scorched machinery and infrastructure of civilization.

We wish to send a wink of complicity to the captive anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen and to Chilean prisoner of war Kevin Garrido, held for explosive attacks in the city of Santiago.

For the multiplication of attacks against RWE!

For anarchy and wildness!

Death to civilization!

– Scoundrels In The Night

(via Act For Freedom Now!)

Leipzig, Germany: 3 public order police vehicles torched in memory of Alexis Grigoropoulos

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In the late evening hours of 06.12. we torched three vehicles in Leipzig. There are many reasons for this, for us the occasion was the anniversary of the assassination of Alexis Grigoropoulos in December 2008 by Greek cops in Athens. Nothing has been forgiven – no one is forgotten.

We were pleased to learn that on the same night in Berlin, some people had apparently set fire to the door of a public order police office.

Super also that a few weeks ago a cop car was torched in front of the station in Connewitz – who needed it already.

We look forward to a delightful mobilization against the G20.

Down with all states – death to Germany!

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Germany: Two comrades from Spain arrested in Hambach Forest and imprisoned in Cologne

Yesterday, November 30, 8 people were arrested in Hambach Forest. Among them, 2 comrades from Spain. Everybody was released last night except for the 2 comrades who were transferred to Cologne today for pre-trial detention. The names that they were known as in the forest were Siao and Hodey although in Spain we knew them by other names.

The last few days in Hambach Forest have seen an escalation of tension. On November 17 a road block action took place with a burning barricade and rocks thrown in clashes with the security company and the ‘installation’ of a fake explosive device that delayed the dismantling of the barricade and the tree felling for several hours. Since then, for several days security, police and worker’s car have been stoned at the beginning and the end of the working day. Two days ago several people threw rocks at dozens of cops and forest workers in the Deathtrap area, then left to build a barricade on the road. When this happened two cops left their van to disperse people and one entered the forest chasing the comrades, stumbled and fell and received several blows before running away frightened for reinforcements. After this there was a long period of tension with a large number of cops being called in at the end of the day. The last car convoy that left the mine that day was also attacked with rocks by some of the people there. And finally yesterday there was another attack against a security car on the road that caused the driver to lose control of their vehicle and have an accident. Shortly after dozens of cop vans arrived and surrounded the camp and the forest to stop the people who were inside from leaving. Then began a hunt in which 5 people were arrested. One more person was arrested inside one of the houses inside the forest and 2 more inside the tree house, Deathtrap. These are the last 2 who are currently in custody.

Siao and Hodey are accused of attacking the police and using explosives which is why they are being held hostage in the Cologne prison. We will transmit all the new information we have and the addresses to write to them as soon as we receive them.

Solidarity and struggle!

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)


Berlin, Germany: Attack against armaments company Thales


It is getting warmer, concerning the preparations for a hot July against the G20-Summit. In the night from 11th to 12th November property of the Thales Company was destroyed.

Thales is one of the eleven biggest armaments companies with an annual sales of 14 billion Euros and above this part of some technology programs, like the satellite range Galileo:

Initially conceived only for civil use, like smartphones, navigation systems, etc. the European Parliament decided in July 2008, that this technology should be available to the European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). Thales developed the project ‘Watchkeeper’, too. On commission for the British Forces an unmaned drone (Thales Watchkeeper WK450) was produced. They got ready in 2012 and flew until 2014 some 140 times over Afghanistan and were consistently upgraded in 2016. Since this year it is possible to load the drone with a 2-kg-warhead and laser- and GPS-control. At last the technology from Thales can kill directly.

But with their drone program, they were noticed in the Jungle of Calais, where their products were flying around. (a list in german with companies involved in the eviction you can find here)

Our real reason was to take the word of antique greek philosopher Thales: Ἀνιαρὸν ἀργία. (Idleness is a pain). That’s why we had to a burn down a van of this armament company in Berlin-Weißensee.

So we were happy about the last weeks news about the burning excavator on the Cuvry Brache construction site in Berlin, too. And we want to go along with the words of the comradxs:

“In Hamburg and on the way (to the G20), we want to come into exchange and discussion exactly about these questions and conflicts on a global level. As gentrification does not stop at a border of countries, our resistance must not end in one spot. Rather it should flow in many places and conflicts. That we find a common rhythm and create a staccato of attacks.”

We are everywhere. Connect struggles. Turn the G20-Summit into disaster.

(see also: anarchist call against the G 20 summit in Hamburg)

” …so that it results in confusion in the enemy lines, because more hotspots of conflict break out and not only there where the enemy expected it and is prepared, but in other places, which were unpredictable in the strategic plans of the cops operations.”

CCF – Black International

autonome Gruppe (autonomous group)

(via Linksunten Indymedia)

Magdeburg (Germany): 18 vehicles of the federal police and the Deutsche Bahn go up in smoke.

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Magdeburg (Germany): 18 vehicles of the federal police and the Deutsche Bahn go up in smoke

“Almost the entire fleet of federal police vehicles was destroyed by fire in Magdeburg.” (From an article in the regional press)
Wednesday to Thursday night, September 8, we set fire to the fleet of the federal police in Magdeburg.
Seven police vehicles parked at the Magdeburg central station went up in smoke, as well as eleven ‘Deutsche Bahn’ vehicles. The press writes that the damage is estimated at 750,000 euros.
Magdeburg police are now busy with the clearance works, searching for possible traces of samples by the forensics and blithering on the violence of the ultra-left. Thus, the final preparations for the big party are on hold. You said “party”?
Friday, September 9, under the slogan “Tatort Sternstraße 12. eine lange Nacht Partyarrest- auf dem Revier” [which could be translated as “A long night Festive Arrest at ‘Sternstraße 12’ crime scene – at the station”] the cops will practise new forms of public staging and recruitment attempts.
The police building voted the worst of all Germany by the police union became, in the space of a day, a cellar for partying before its renovation.
Estimations that there are high disease rates in the Magdeburg cops are related to the fact that the building is still infected with asbestos and mould. It is to be hoped that the guests will enjoy breathing the air of this rat hole! Concert, DJs, Lasershow, “where better could we come and talk with the youth than at a party?”
The Saxony-Anhalt Land has problems in recruiting new cops. Next year, they need to hire up to 700 instead of the current 350. The minister of the interior and the police union agree on the fact that there is a lack of “suitable candidates”.
While in other parts of the building “daily operations” continue, in others there’s a party. In a relaxed party atmosphere flyers for the possibility of training in the police are distributed. For children, there is a “Sherlock- Tour” for taking specimens of traces and clues. For the older ones, it’s GAV [volunteer cops]. That includes reconstructed scenes and explanations of what is necessary, “when the person refuses.”
The event is organized in close collaboration with the “Kulturanker” association, which is organizing the festive evening (voluntarily).
While all are calling for more cops, we have begun their disposal.
Instead of a “long neighbourhood night,” there was a foam party.
The festive evening of Sternstraße is just one reason among the many.
Advertising for cops … means to advertise for more surveillance, control and oppression. More racist FILING, police violence, expulsions. More incarcerations. More abused prisoners. More cell deaths.
A cop is not a friend. Never.
Why the ‘Deutsche Bahn’?
We remember 2014, when the DB provided the Nazis with extra trains to take them directly from the central station to the ‘SKET’ industrial park.
We remember the propaganda hostile to unions against the railway workers’ strike last year.
We remember the ‘CASTOR’ transportation train when the DB made its railways available to the nuclear industry.
We remember the transport for the Bundeswehr [German army], from military post to armoured vehicles.
Autonomous groups
[Translated from German by Lechatnoiremeutier of linksunten indymedia, 9 September 2016]
Translated from the French by Act for freedom now!

Seven police cars set on fire at Magdeburg train station – Germany

Unknown assailants set fire to 18 cars at Magdeburg station early on Thursday morning, causing three quarters of a million euros worth of damage.
Police report that they received news that the cars were ablaze at around 2.30 am on Thursday morning. As well as seven police vehicles, several private vehicles and a car belonging to Deutsche Bahn (German Rail) were gutted by the flames.

Police say fire services were able to stop the fire spreading to a nearby storage facility and by 3.10 am the flames had been extinguished.

On Thursday police refused to rule out the possibility that there was a political motivation behind the crime.

In the former communist East German state of Saxony-Anhalt, where Magdeburg is the capital, there have been several attacks on police and army vehicles in recent years, the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung reports.

In 2012, 12 brand new police cars were set on fire in the state capital. Two days later, police cars parked at a police station in Halle were set on fire. Police never found the perpetrators.

In Berlin this year police have also reported a huge increase in arson on cars, which they have largely attributed to the city’s far-left scene.