Santiago, Chile: Truck Torched for Black December by Incendiaries Complicit in Sabotage FAI-FRI

Black December means action and memory, and, like any initiative of direct attack, it comes to life and continues when there is a will to go from words to deed – to break with the normality of the capitalist social routine and the comfort of civic life.

Always prepared for action, we liberate ourselves from the consumerist fever and the behavioral patterns imposed by the social order with its end of year traditions. And so, with planning, cunning and certain precautions, the anarchist attack never stops.

That’s why at dawn on December 28th we set fire to a truck in the city of Santiago, in a suburb of the so-called ‘middle class’. The action was reported by the media and now we can confirm: it wasn’t a short circuit, it was an intentional fire wrought by anarchic hands during the middle of the night in the streets of their disgusting city.

Setting fire to a truck is attacking the mega-machines and structures that contribute to the devastation of the Earth, it is setting fire to the ideas of progress and civilization, it is our contribution to the ongoing agitation against the IIRSA-COSIPLAN project and the construction of thousands of kilometers of roads that destroy eco-systems to facilitate the transit of trucks full of merchandise and accelerate the advance of the city that contaminates our life.

By burning a truck we also sent smoke signals of sabotage in solidarity with the Mapuche rebellion and their struggle for autonomy and territory. Because the blood of Camilo Catrillanca ignites the insurrection against our common enemy which is the State and capital.

We claim this action as part of the Informal Anarchist Federation, a tool for international communication between anti-authoritarians via direct attack, greeting with fire each cell and individual that seeks destructive action against civilization and technology, its structures and the people directly responsible for oppression.

With our action we embrace the comrades Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villaroel, Joaquin García and Sol Vergara; Facundo Jones Huala, the machi Celestino Cordova and all the peñis and lamgen who resist in the prisons and communities, to the comrades in Argentina who remain dignified inside and outside the prison following the recent repressive operation in November; Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai and all the comrades in prison and facing trials in Italy, to comrade Lisa in Spain; to Dinos Yagtzoglou, the comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Angeliki Spyropoulous, and all the imprisoned comrades in Greece and to all those in the USA, France, Brazil, Indonesia, Germany, Spain, Russia and the entire world who continue to fight against all forms of domination.


Incendiaries Complicit in Sabotage – Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front (FAI-FRI)

(Translated into English for Mpalothia by Anarchists Worldwide)

(Chile) Incendio de camión por un Diciembre Negro.

(Recibido el 28/12/2018)

Incendiar un camión es atacar las mega-máquinas y estructuras que
contribuyen a la devastación de la Tierra, es prender fuego a la idea de
progreso y civilización, es nuestra contribución a la agitación contra
el proyecto IIRSA-COSIPLAN y la construcción de miles de kilómetros de
carreteras que destruyen eco-sistemas para facilitar el tránsito de
camiones llenos de mercancías y acelerar el avance de la urbe que
contamina nuestra vida.

Incendiando un camión enviamos también señales de humo a través del
sabotaje en solidaridad con la rebelión mapuche y su lucha por autonomía
y territorio. Porque la sangre de Camilo Catriallanca inflama la
insurrección contra el enemigo común que es el Estado y el capital.

Reivindicamos esta acción como parte de la Federación Anarquista
Informal, herramienta para la comunicación internacional entre
antiautoritarixs a través del ataque directo, saludando con fuego a cada
célula e individux que pasa a la acción destructora contra la
civilización, la tecnología, las estructuras y personas responsables de
la opresión.

Abrazamos con nuestra acción a lxs compañerxs Juan Aliste, Marcelo
Villarroel, Joaquin García y Sol Vergara; a Facundo Jones Huala, el
machi Celestino Cordova y todos los peñis y lamgen que resisten en las
prisiones y comunidades; a lxs compañerxs de Argentina que permanecen
dignxs dentro y fuera de las cárceles luego de la reciente operación
represiva de noviembre; a Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai y todxs los compas
en prisión y juicios en Italia; a la compañera Lisa en España; a Dinos
Yagtzoglou, lxs compañerxs de Conspiración de Células del Fuego,
Angeliki Spyropoulou, a lxs demás compañerxs prisionerxs en Grecia y a
todxs aquellxs que en USA, Francia, Brasil, Indonesia, Alemania, España,
Rusia y todo el mundo continuan luchando contra toda forma de


Complicidades Incendiariarias por el Sabotaje – Federación Anarquista
Informal / Frente Revolucionario Internacional (FAI/FRI).

Link desde la prensa:


En el momento en que te das cuenta de que la “escoria”, los suicidas y los asesinados de este mundo son las figuras más vivas, más vívidas de él, ese es el punto en que te das cuenta de su construcción estructural de valores y su violencia. Hemos sido destruidos muchas veces por la frialdad en los ojos de las personas que nos rodean, hemos sido destruidos lenta y brutalmente mientras experimentábamos la muerte cotidiana. Desde el tiempo muerto del trabajo asalariado, la aspiración de cada actividad, desde la automatización de la producción, el congelamiento de las miradas sin pasión hacia el dolor, desde la miserable supervivencia, los gritos de lo desconocido en el espejo, hasta nuestra transformación en datos cuantitativos para la biotecnología moderna, a la depresión psicológica y la tristeza que cierra totalmente las ventanas del placer, del juego, de la interacción social genuina. Se crea todo un complejo autoritario, que reproduce la muerte, reproduce la autoridad de la economía, del estado, del patriarcado, de la nación, reproduciendo los valores de sumisión, de encierro, de superioridad social, de normas y estigmas que producen.

Durante la madrugada del martes 6 de noviembre, atacamos de golpe al Tahidromiko Tamieftirio de Eurobank, en la calle Afxentiou en Ilisia, destruyendo cámaras, rompiendo todas las ventanas y el cajero automático.

Además, durante la madrugada del domingo 11 de noviembre, atacamos de manera exitosa una joyería en Kolonaki, en la esquina de las calles Skoufa y Massalias, rompiendo las ventanas y la entrada de la tienda.

Todas esas gemas y joyas de oro que no estaban destinadas a ninguno de nosotrxs se expusieron a la noche del centro metropolitano. Nos recordaron la exposición que sentimos cuando caminamos solos en las calles, nos recordaron la exposición que cada uno de nosotros siente hacia las cosas sociales y no. Eso es para todxs ustedes: padres, jefes, proxenetas, griegxs y a su gente. Recolectamos nuestros dolores, nuestras limitaciones, nuestros enojos, nuestras quejas, nuestros deseos sexuales, y aquí estamos; nos regocijamos. Ojalá el momento siempre fuera tan poco importante, pero al mismo tiempo tan importante como lo fue durante el momento en que las ventanas del banco se rompieron de manera armónica y caótica. Nosotrxs sincronizamos el uno para el otro para recuperar algunos segundos de vida. Retomemos nuestra diversión, aunque sea un poco, por esas manos que nos fueron dadas vigorosamente, por esas miradas que aún nos cazan, por esos escritorios de la universidad y las horas de trabajo que nos succionan, por estas faldas que nos gustaría, nos gusta vestir, pero nunca nos atrevimos a hacerlo, por nuestros pensamientos pervertidos, por nuestros deseos en espera, por nuestros valores no expresados.

Vivimos repetidamente el día de la marmota, en el desagradable olor de la cuneta metropolitana que nos absorbe y nos arroja como máquinas, con roles, con ejecuciones de los que nos infligieron desde el día en que nacimos. Y, de acuerdo con las normas éticas, elegimos la sumisión total a los ladridos agresivos de los dominantes de este mundo. Con algunas excepciones, las elecciones de quienes se enfrentaron contra la dominación, la violencia y la muerte. Como punto de refuerzo de la lucha antiautoritaria, nos gustaría mencionar algunas fallas de la guerra social, dedicándoles las líneas superiores y la acción presente.No para honrarlos como tótems sagrados, como recuerdos intocables, solo como simeología histórica, sino como ágiles guerrerxs vivxs, como detonadores de la duda social y personal, como puntos de aumento y expansión de la conciencia insurreccional, como punto de partida de la creación y vinculación de las relaciones, y también como producción de formas y contenidos radicales.

– Alexis Grigoropoulos, cayó muerto por una bala de un policía en Exarchia, el 6 de diciembre de 2008.
– Sebastian Oversluij, muerto por las balas de un guardia de seguridad durante un robo a un banco en Chile, el 11 de diciembre de 2013.
– Zack Kostopoulos / Zackie Oh, asesinado por una multitud de jefes, jefes de hogar griegos y policías, el 21 de septiembre de 2018.
– Mikhail Zhlobitskiy, quien terminó su vida en un atentado con bomba en las Agencias Secretas de Rusia (FSB), el 31 de octubre de 2018.

Ps: Compañero Dimitris, que tenga un buen viaje. Vivirás para siempre en nuestras luchas.


Responsibility claim for hit-n-run attacks in Ilisia and Kolonaki

At the point that you realize that the “scum”, the suicidals and the killed ones of this world are the most alive, the most lively viberating figures of it, that’s also the point that you realize its construct of values and its structural violence. We ‘ve been destructed many times by the coldness in the eyes of the people around, we ‘ve been destroyed slowly and brutally while experiencing the everyday death. From the dead time of wage labour, the sucking of every livelyhood from the automization of production, the freezing passionless gazes towards pain, from the miserable survival, the screaming encountering of the unknown in the mirror, to our transformation into information quantums for modern biotechnology, to the psychological depression and the sadness that totally locks the windows of pleasure, of playing, of genuine social interraction. A whole authoritarian complex is created, reproducing death, reproducing the authority of economy, of the state, the patriarchy, the nation, reproducing the values of submission, of self-enclosure, of social elevation, of producing normativities and stigmas.

During the early hours of Tuesday 6th of November, we attacked by hit-n-run the Tahidromiko Tamieftirio of Eurobank, in Afxentiou street in Ilisia, destroying the cameras, breaking all of the windows and the ATM.

Also, during the early hours of Sunday 11th of November, we attacked by hit-n-run a jewelery shop in Kolonaki, at the corner of Skoufa and Massalias street, breaking the windows and the entrance of the store.

All these gems and golden jewelery that were not meant for any of us, got exposed to the night of the metropolitan center. They reminded us of the exposure we feel when we walk alone in the streets, they reminded us of the exposure that each one of us feels towards the social dos and don’ts. That is for all of you – fathers, bosses, pimps, greeks, and those of your people. We collected our pains, our suppressions, our angers, our whinings, our sex drive, and here we are ; we brushed out. If only the time was always so unimportant but at the same time extremely important as it was during the moment in which the windows of the bank were harmoniously and chaotically broken down. We synchronized the one for the other to steal back some seconds of life. Let’s take back our fun – even for a little bit – for those hands that were vigorously laid on us, for those stares that still hunt us, for those university desks and the labour-hours that suck us out, for these skirts that we would like to wear but we never dared to, for our perverted thoughts, for our awaiting desires, for our unexpressed values.

We repeatedly live in the day of the marmot, into the disgusting smell of the metropolitan gutter that sucks us in and throws us out as machines, as roles, as executions of those that were inflicted on us from the day we were born. And, according to ethical norms, we chose the total submission to the aggresive barkings of the dominants of this world. With some exceptions, the choices of whom were faced with supression, violence and death. As a point of renforcement of the anti-authoritarian struggle, we would like to mention some fallens of the social war, dedicating to them the upper lines and the present action. Not to honour them as holy totems, as untouchable memories, only as historical simeology, but as lively war hawlings, as detonators of social and personal doubt, as points of rising and expansion of insurrectional conciousness, as starting point of the creation and bonding of relations, and also as production of radical shapes and contents.

– Alexis Grigoropoulos, fell dead by a cop’s bullet in Exarchia, on the 6th of December 2008.

– Sebastian Oversluij, fell dead by security guard’s bullets during a robbery of a bank in Chile, on the 11th of December 2013.

– Zack Kostopoulos / Zackie Oh, lynched to death by a crowd of bosses, greek householders and cops, on the 21st of September 2018.

– Mikhail Zhlobitskiy, who ended his life in a bombing attack in the Secret Agencies of Russia (FSB), on the 31st of October 2018.

Ps: Comrade Dimitris, have a nice journey. You will live forever in our struggles.



(Recibido el 29/11/2018)

Diciembre sigue siendo un mes marcado con el sello de la memoria
insurgente de lxs anárquicxs que se levantan en abierto antagonismo a
cualquier forma de poder.

Diciembre de 2018 será el mes en que se cumplirán 10 años desde que el
compañero Alexandros Grigoropoulos fue arrebatado de las calles al ser
asesinado por balas policiales en el barrio de Exarchia, Grecia, el año
2008. También es el mes en el cual hace 5 años atrás, el compañero
Sebastián Oversluij murió abatido por las balas de un mercenario del
capital en medio de una expropiación bancaria el año 2013 en Chile.

Porque la memoria de nuestrxs muertxs es combustible para avivar la
llama de nuestra vida en permanente revuelta, que el Diciembre Negro
vuelva a ser un punto de encuentro en la acción multiforme y en la
reflexión sobre nosotrxs mismxs, sobre nuestras fuerzas en el combate
minoritario y sobre las manifestaciones actuales del enemigo totalitario
que es el poder y su mundo de jerarquías, fascismos, patriarcado,
especismo y las múltiples expresiones del afán de superioridad de unxs
sobre otrxs.

Una vez más, Diciembre Negro continúa siendo una invitación a la
comunicación insurgente al calor salvaje de la acción ofensiva contra el

Memoria iconoclasta con nuestrxs muertxs.

SOlidaridad ofensiva con lxs compañerxs que enfrentan la represión en
Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Rusia, Italia, Grecia y todo el mundo.

¡¡Por un Diciembre Negro, procura que viva la anarquía!!

Athens: Attack agains OPKE unit in Exacheia

On Tuesday , December 6 of 2016 , 8 years after the murder of the antiauthoritarian Alexandros Grigoropoulos by the cops, anarchists , antiauthoritarians , neighbors and people who hang around Exarcheia decided to break the normality of the miserable life imposed by the social standards and resist the state repression. Every year, that day the neighborhood of Exarcheia is surrounded by cops trying to stop the vengeful rage of those who take the streets fighting.

But this time, the resistance of the rioters was more organized and coordinated than ever, following the response against the state in the clashes of November 15 and 17. The anti-state offensive was fierce, and that was proved because – despite the murderous firing of rubber bullets and tear gas directly into the bodies – The uniformed fascists only managed to pass the burning barricades late at night, and after most of the people , especially the organized ones had already left the place.

This victory of ours hurt the servants of the state, who projected all their psycological complexes beating the arrested people of that night. Their cowardly violence and the attempt of the greek bullies to humilliate the arrested comrades is the proof of their bitter defeat.
Also the filthy judges plays their part on the repression of the insurgents when acting in the name of all the state authorities send three of the arrested on pre-trial imprisonement.
The surrounding of Exarcheia was already intensified before 6 December, with the characteristic example of the invasion of motorcicle police forces and the control of migrants. It was like that until the 6/12, particularly with the presence of special forces of OPKE in the area.

We answer the murderes of minors with the same thing that they learn to taste all this years: fire.
In the evening of Friday , December 16, we choose to attack the bullies of the greek police located at the intersection of Kallidromiou street and Oikonomou street, supposedly to protect the supermarket besides. For those who knows the area of Exarcheia, is obvious that the deployment of OPKE units in that place serves other purposes and is framed in a broader plan that seeks to control the neigborhood.

The tasks of this unit (OPKE) in the past years at the city outskirts and specially in the west zone of Athens had as only objective the military-style ID control to youngsters , outcast and migrants. The ridiculous reasons that they use to impose their reign of terror in Exarcheia will be answered with gasoline and fire over their heads. The armed cops of OPKE showed their huge skills when they began to run away in panic and hide behind a car in sight of the 15 molotovs flying against them.

The clashes and the diffusion of insurrectionary situations must be a daily practice. That December 6 light up the metropolis every night, until freedom and anarchy.


Anarchists ( the ones who attacked there, in that way)

(Translated by Traces of Fire)

Leipzig, Germany: 3 public order police vehicles torched in memory of Alexis Grigoropoulos

37 27 17

In the late evening hours of 06.12. we torched three vehicles in Leipzig. There are many reasons for this, for us the occasion was the anniversary of the assassination of Alexis Grigoropoulos in December 2008 by Greek cops in Athens. Nothing has been forgiven – no one is forgotten.

We were pleased to learn that on the same night in Berlin, some people had apparently set fire to the door of a public order police office.

Super also that a few weeks ago a cop car was torched in front of the station in Connewitz – who needed it already.

We look forward to a delightful mobilization against the G20.

Down with all states – death to Germany!

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Greece: Christmas tree set on fire by anarchists in Crete on the anniversary of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos

Because of the day of the black anniversary of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos from the cop Korkoneas, some comrades chose to give a different meaning to this night by placing our own pebble in the frames of conflict. As a minimal token of protest against everything we experience and the consumerist craze of Christmas, with the help of flammable material and our will to leave the discussions and nonsense of the cafes, we proceeded to act. Just before the beginning of the demonstration we set fire to the Christmas tree in the central market square of Chania and which represents the consumerist frenzy that takes over the brains of the living-dead of this country and not only. As soon as it started burning, a group of store owners whose stores were not endangered, rushed to put out the fire with buckets and hoses, their petite-bourgeois not able to understand the nature of this act, resulting in only one part of the tree being burnt.

Every Christmas the slave-like citizens count, in their empty pockets, the crumbs thrown to them by the bourgeois so they can live, and like a large herd of sheep they storm the multinationals shopping for soul-less materials, not out of need but out of habit. We as anarchists state that we will not be present at the city’s Christmas fiestas not only because
we find these Christmas “offerings” one more profit game of the above but because human dignity is above all other means of transaction. The city’s mayor Tasos Vamvoukas and his posse with one more year in the seat, thinks that the city should be festively dressed, irrelevantly of the people sleeping on the benched in rough conditions and even die from the cold and illnesses.

We are against any kind of state or non-state mechanism that aims at
dominating our lives.





(via Act For Freedom Now!)

Berlin, Germany: Arson attack against a police station in memory of Alexis Grigoropoulos

12 22 32 41





A Christmas present for the cops

In remembrance of Alexis who was murdered by the cops in Athens 8 years ago we have visited the friends of his murderers in the immediate vicinity of the Alexanderplatz and left 10 liters of petrol as a gift at the entrance door.
The solidarity of this action also applies to our prisoners who are sitting in jail because of the bank expropriation and are waiting to be sentenced by the executioners.
More solidarity greetings to Tuna, Balu, Cem and Ali.

We have noted with joy that in Leipzig last night some other people decided to attack the state and it’s lackeys.

Government institutions! See you in Hamburg!

For freedom!

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)