Italy: Direct actions in solidarity with anarchists arrested in Operation “Scripta Manent”


Trento: In the night between 7th and 8th, 9 cars of Italian postal service were torched. Stop deportation. For the arrested in Scripta Manent. Ignis Ardens.

Bologna: In a night of boredom in Bologna, a supermarket was sanctioned and its invasive eyes were blinded. Immediately after this act, the flames of a roadblock broke the city quietness, screaming our complicity whit those hit by repression. You can act everywhere and in every moment. No one has to give us the green light, or impose the how on us.
Tired of those who imprison us.
Tired of those who are watching and spying us.
As reply fire and action!
Solidarity for the arrested in scripta manent and for everyone behind bars.

Some skeevygenic timewasters

Berlin, Germany: Attack against armaments company Thales


It is getting warmer, concerning the preparations for a hot July against the G20-Summit. In the night from 11th to 12th November property of the Thales Company was destroyed.

Thales is one of the eleven biggest armaments companies with an annual sales of 14 billion Euros and above this part of some technology programs, like the satellite range Galileo:

Initially conceived only for civil use, like smartphones, navigation systems, etc. the European Parliament decided in July 2008, that this technology should be available to the European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). Thales developed the project ‘Watchkeeper’, too. On commission for the British Forces an unmaned drone (Thales Watchkeeper WK450) was produced. They got ready in 2012 and flew until 2014 some 140 times over Afghanistan and were consistently upgraded in 2016. Since this year it is possible to load the drone with a 2-kg-warhead and laser- and GPS-control. At last the technology from Thales can kill directly.

But with their drone program, they were noticed in the Jungle of Calais, where their products were flying around. (a list in german with companies involved in the eviction you can find here)

Our real reason was to take the word of antique greek philosopher Thales: Ἀνιαρὸν ἀργία. (Idleness is a pain). That’s why we had to a burn down a van of this armament company in Berlin-Weißensee.

So we were happy about the last weeks news about the burning excavator on the Cuvry Brache construction site in Berlin, too. And we want to go along with the words of the comradxs:

“In Hamburg and on the way (to the G20), we want to come into exchange and discussion exactly about these questions and conflicts on a global level. As gentrification does not stop at a border of countries, our resistance must not end in one spot. Rather it should flow in many places and conflicts. That we find a common rhythm and create a staccato of attacks.”

We are everywhere. Connect struggles. Turn the G20-Summit into disaster.

(see also: anarchist call against the G 20 summit in Hamburg)

” …so that it results in confusion in the enemy lines, because more hotspots of conflict break out and not only there where the enemy expected it and is prepared, but in other places, which were unpredictable in the strategic plans of the cops operations.”

CCF – Black International

autonome Gruppe (autonomous group)

(via Linksunten Indymedia)

CCF-NEMESIS PROJECT [An open proposal]


(Reveived 22/11/16)

”He who speaks of war, must have a plan…”

The most insidious authority is the one that carries the promise of inclusiveness. This is why we transitioned from monarchy to democracy but not freedom. ”Safety” is a word favored by democracy. The more we hear about “safety”, the more our lives and freedom regress.Worst of all, contemporary power and democracy have elicited the compromise and submission of society almost voluntarily. Democracy operates as a transparent factory that produces social relations. People submit to governmental ideology, mainstream standards and disciplined behaviours and consider that what we experience today (the economic tyranny, the extortion of wage slavery, the dictatorship of the spectacle, the technological surveillance) are the inevitable natural world order.

But even in a pervasive authority, bosses, officials, managers and proprietors will always exist. Nowadays,the visibility of people in power is particularly clear. Politicians, businessmen, ship owners, publishers, journalists, judges and police officers are the persons in authority. The Nemesis Project aims to attack those persons. The Nemesis Project is our turn to make fear move into the backyard of the enemy.

Instead of attacking impersonal symbols of justice, we think that it is very important to transpose our hostilities to the personal environment of the enemy, their homes, offices, hangouts and vehicles. We know that to authority ”nobody is irreplaceable” but we also know that a personal hit against one of them would instill fear in another 100. We create a legacy of fear for their kind and whoever becomes their replacement. It is our own minimum counterweight in balancing the terror controlled by the enemy. In balancing the terror caused by the murders of workers by their bosses, the accidental shootings by cops, the thousands of years in prison sentenced by judges, the lies by journalists, the laws and the orders by politicians. In all of these cases, the enemy has a name and an address.Attacking them proves that people in authority are not invincible. At the same time,instead of confining anarchist insurrection in incidents of occasional conflict with cops, we can make revolution a permanent component of our daily lives by discovering those that hide behind orders and decisions which govern our lives, by studying their moves and routes and by organizing our own offensive cells which will respond to the challenges of authority. We do not anticipate a social short-circuit that will lead in mass mobilizations, but we become the accelerators of history through our actions, by creating the dilemma ”with authority or with freedom”. We create spaces and eras where history is written by our own hand and does not just happen. Anarchist urban guerilla is a way of looking life straight in the eye, in order to form an authentic collective ”we”. It is the construction of an anarchist process of liberation with courage, consistency and determination. Our actions are not evaluated in relation only to the blow against the enemy but also to the possibility of changing our own lives.

The Nemesis Project is an international proposal to create a list with the names of people in authority so that we can attack them where they feel safe, on the sidelines… at their own houses. The bomb explosion at the house of District Attorney G. Tsatani was the first attack, the first act of the Nemesis Project. We share this plan with all the FAI-IRF cells and all the anarchists of action across the world, wanting to start a dialogue on the diffusion of the anarchist struggle. And we know that the best dialogue for the assessment of an action can be no other than a new action…

Through the Nemesis Project we salute allour comrades that are held captive in the cells of democracy across the world and are no longer by our side. It is especially dedicated to the members of the CCF Olga Economidou, George Polydoros, GerasimosTsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, our anarchist comrade AngelikiSpyropoulou and the Italian comrades of FAI Alfredo Cospito και Nicola Gai.

To all those who did not burry the axe of war…

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-IRF

We will return soon.

Limoges, France: Arson attack at gendarmerie barracks

Limoges. On the night of 25 to 26 October, we set fire to the car of a chief of the gendarmerie of Tuilières that was parked inside the barracks.
We carried out this sabotage in solidarity with the migrants in Calais.
This week the French government used force and destroyed the living places of thousands of migrating persons.
For as long as you destroy their homes, we will burn your cars!
We also want to pay tribute to Rémi Fraisse and Adama Traoré, murdered by the gendarmes.
We hope that all law enforcement officers will have the decency to resign before it’s too late.
Everybody hates the police!

(Via : actforfree.nostate)

Porto Alegre, Brazil: Arson attack against São Pedro Parish in Floresta barrio (Eng/Port)


The earth from time to time rebelliously rebuilds what was thought extinct. These are the offshoots of rebellious roots and seeds that spread with the wind.

Here this already weary land has know the project of western civilization for over 500 years, and since then the contractors have drained all available life to execute their desires.
For each ship of expedition and conquest brought with them the objects of worship, the mystique, which in the service of power sought to dominate minds, bodies and spirits.

In each new settlement the civilizational project tried to impose itself: the church in the center, omnipresent, a market, a government, a chain…Masses, sermons, laws and punishments. The educational task of the church was to monitor and punish.The beatings and the executions in the public squares were spectacles that affirmed the norm: “Do what we say or we will break you.”

It’s project was implemented with lies, fire and bullets
Speaking the language, listening to the voices became forbidden
And to those who resisted, they tore off their ears and tongues
Did they want us to not hear the voices of the world around us?
These voices are not always human…

The engine of civilization is the violence, terror and subjugation that seeks the benefit of some causing the suffering of the rest. The conquering, oppressive, now bourgeois eye transforms everything it sees into an object of desire, possession and benefit, assuring itself privilege and domination.

The whole world is consumed for the interests of elites. It is produced, consumed, dying without being masters of wills and destinies.
The executioner speaks of morality and well-being. It preaches ‘clean living’ and offers salvation. With its disgusting mouth it devours everything it can and thus devours lives.
It speaks of peace. It manufactures weapons.
It speaks of well-being. It poisons your business.
It speaks of freedom and imposes the slavery of obedience.

But the blood of warriors runs in rivers and streams and feeds the quiet earth.
And in every stone, every tree and every tree is written the nameless.

Today we celebrate with our dead, we celebrate with our ancestors. They live  with us, their steps are ours. We celebrate their combative and rebellious lives, the tips of their spears that pierced the eyes of Portuguese, French, English and Spanish civilized conquerors. We celebrate their rebellions against the Inquisition and their insurrections against the civilizing immortals. Their revenge is ours. We celebrate their memory through the flames that we inflicted upon the doors of a church. The same civilizing church of 500 years ago, a symbol of civilizing and civic morality…because we know that the god they created is an eternal dictator…

War against civilization and its State…


Porto Alegre: Portas da paroquia São Pedro queimadas no bairro Floresta

A terra costuma, de tempos em tempos, fazer rebrotar rebeldemente aquilo que se pensava extinto.
São brotos de raízes rebeldes e sementes que se espalham com o vento.

Aqui, esta terra já cansada, conheceu o projeto da civilização ocidental a poucos 500 e tantos anos e, desde então as empreiteiras do domínio tem drenado toda a vida disponível para executar seus desejos.
Para cada navio de expedição e conquista, chegavam com eles os objetos de adoração, a mística que, ao serviço do poder, pretendia dominar mentes, corpos e espíritos.

Em cada novo povoado o projeto civilizatório tentou se impor: a igreja no centro, omnipresente, um mercado, um governo, uma cadeia… Missa, sermão, leis e castigos. A tarefa educativa da igreja soube muito bem vigiar e punir. O espancamento em praça pública e as execuções eram espetáculos que afirmavam a norma: “faz o que digo ou te arrebento”.

Seu projeto se implantou com mentiras, fogo e bala
Falar a língua, escutar as vozes, se tornou proibido
E à aquelxs que se resistiam, arrancavam-lhes língua e orelhas
Acaso queriam que não ouvíssemos as vozes do mundo que nos rodeava?
Essas vozes nem sempre humanas…

O motor da civilização é a violência, o terror e a obrigação que busca o benefício de alguns provocando o sofrimento do resto. O olho conquistador, opressor, hoje burguês, transforma tudo o que vê em objeto de desejo, de possessão e benefício, assegurando para si o privilegio e a dominação.

O mundo inteiro se consome no interesse das elites. Se produz, se consome, se morre, sem ser donos das vontades e destinos.
O carrasco, fala em moral e bem-estar. Educa no “bom viver” e oferece a salvação. Com sua boca nojenta devora tudo o que pode, e assim devora, as vidas.
Fala de paz. Fabrica armas.
Fala em bem-estar. Envenena com seus negócios.
Fala em liberdade e impõe a escravidão da obediência.

Porém o sangue dxs guerreirxs correu em rios e córregos e alimentou a terra calada. E em cada pedra, cada rio, cada árvore está escrito o inominável…

Hoje, festejamos pelos nossxs mortxs, festejamos com nossxs antepassadxs. Suas vidas nos acompanham, seus passos são os nossos. Festejamos suas vidas combativas e rebeldes, as pontas de lanças que perfuraram os olhos dos conquistadores portugueses, franceses, ingleses e espanhóis, civilizadxs. Celebramos suas rebeldias contra a inquisição, as insurreições contra os inmigxs civilizadorxs. Sua vingança é a nossa. Festejamos sua memória através das chamas que provocamos nas portas duma igreja. A mesma Igreja civilizadora de faz 500 anos, símbolo da moral civilizatória e cidadã …porque sabemos que o deus que criaram é um ditador eterno…

Guerra contra a civilização e seu Estado…

(Via :insurrectionnewsworldwide)

Genoa [Italy]: ATMs burned in solidarity with the comrades arrested for operation “Scripta manent”

* “Verba Volant, IGNIS ARDENS. Genoa 01/11. 2
Postamat and 1 ATM burnt. The State imprisons, Mistral Air deports, Unicredit
finances Erdogan. Post offices and banks will continue to be attacked.
Solidarity with Alfredo, Nicola, Sandro, Marco, Anna, Valentina, Danilo,
Daniele and Divine “*

Italy: Arson attacks in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners arrested in Operation ‘Scripta Manent’



Pisa: Action in solidarity with the comrades arrested during Operation ‘Scripta Manent’

“November 7, 2016 – Telephone repeater torched near Pisa in solidarity with the arrested op. scripta manent comrades and to all prisoners.”

Campania: Three base radio stations torched in solidarity with the Operation ‘Scripta Manent’ prisoners

“Fire to the technological domain. In Campania, during the month of October three base radio stations were torched in solidarity with those arrested during Operation ‘Scripta Manent’ and all anarchist prisoners worldwide.”

(via Croce Nera Anarchica, translated by Insurrection News)


Athens: Responsibility claim for participation in street clashes on October 19th


During the night of Wednesday October 19th we took part, alongside many other groups and individualities, in the street clashes around the Polytechnic in Exarchia, that lasted for several hours with constant attacks with molotovs, stones and fireworks against antiriot police squads.

Street clashes, in any of their forms (exiting university premises through incendiary means, rioting in demonstrations, etc.), are part of the multiform anarchic attack against Power and the imposed normality. Because of their characteristics, this is one of the most effective ways to demonstrate the conflict between anarchy and the world of Power. This is why we support the diffusion of this and other forms of struggle that aim to destabilize and spread chaos until the collapse of the existent.

But we don’t want to limit ourselves in a routine of anticop hate; along with the attacks against the cops, we promote the practice of attack against the structures and symbols of domination, from the most obvious like banks and ministries, to those urban elements that serve the normal function of the metropolis: road signs, traffic lights, cameras, bus stops… as well the representations, symbols and idols of Power in the form of icons, monuments, statues…

At the same time, barricades and attacks on public transportation (buses, trolleybuses, metro… without passengers inside) are forms of interruption of the normal flow of people and commodities, and sabotage against the state and private companies that manage this flow.

All those symbols and structures represent or serve a function of the authoritarian civilization we want to destroy, so they’ll always be a target for us.

We don’t see anarchic violence as a sacrifice or as a revolutionary obligation; instead, we demystify it, we turn it into a banality, we use it in a ludic way, making it obtainable for everybody, without professionalisms or restrictions.

No act of rebellion is useless!

Riots everywhere!

Strength to the prisoners and the persecuted!

-Some hooded kids

(Πηγή : contrainfo)



On the night of Monday October 24th we attacked a Starbucks on Colfax Ave here in Denver, CO because of their use of prison slavery. We smashed out almost almost of the windows and glass doors, including those of the drive-thru window and painted graffiti reading “#PRISONSTRIKE” and “END PRISON SLAVERY” on the building and also painted the drive-thru menu board.

We did this in solidarity with all those held captive in the prisons and jails who have been fighting so fiercely and bravely as part of the ongoing prison strike that started on September 9th. Your resistance and strength has been both inspirational and beautiful to us and we hope in turn this action inspires you to keep fighting and taking action on the inside.

A match has been lit; we are realizing our collective strength; the fire is spreading; our resistance is growing stronger and larger every day. Let continue to fan the flames of this fire until it burns down every prison and jail and this entire society built on systems of exploitation and domination!



Solidarity means ATTACK!

With love and solidarity – some Denver anarchist


The next morning it came to our knowledge that the Starbucks had been closed down for the day because of our actions. It should also be noted that aside from a sign in front of the store stating an apology for the closure that there was also a large banner draped over the “END PRISON SLAVERY” tag in an effort to conceal it… FUCK STARBUCKS!

(via : itsgoingdown)

Santiago, Chile: Explosive attack against a State Bank branch by Autonomous Brigades for the Fire


The night of October 23, commune of Macul, Santiago. The eve of the electoral farce.

We claim the sabotage of Banco Estado (State Bank).

There are plenty of motives for arson and for realizing the anarchic offensive against their temples of money.

With this action we extend our commitment to the revolt. Maximum willingness for the intensification of the conflict against State Capital, Power and all authority.

We send greetings to all the imprisoned comrades facing judicial trials and processes in the coming weeks.

Ignacio Muñoz

Manuel, Amaru, Felipe, Maria Paz, Natalia

Juan, Enrique, Nataly.

Total complicity with all of you.

Autonomous Brigades for the Fire

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)