Some words on the riots of 29th of March

Jasmins and almond trees bloom from the bullet wounds and scars in the bodies of our fallen ones. The coming seeds of self-redress perch on the branches, ready to nourish those greedy-for-life. Drawn in blood; bitterness flows out, becomes fertilizer for the rage. The pine needles fall down embracing the honour of living as negator of servitude. Waves break, embracing the honour of dying fighting. Waters respond to the call of silence, they turn into fire, and a night like the 29th of March make a salutary spill-over. It’s exactly there that our dead friends accompany each of our step. It’s there that Sebastian Oversluij, Lambros Fountas, Mauricio Morales, Spiros Dravilas, Anna Campbell, Dimitris Armakolas, Javier Recabarren, all our comrades that left away, are bursting out of fire caressing eternity.

The night of the 29th of March 2019, we sent solidarity fire to our comrades in Chile, for the day of the Young Combatant. We all gathered, we hung a banner on the main entrance of Polytechnio, we clashed with the cops for some hours, attacking them with molotovs and fireworks; we set a car on fire*, and when the firefighters came they were also attacked. We are happy to hear that two cops were shot during the clashes on the same night in Santiago. We will always stand by the side of the delinquents and hooded ones who take the streets in Chile and everywhere to attack the cops and set the city and the values it represents on fire. Let’s make every day the 29th of March.

*Despite what the media may tell you, this fire was not the accident of stupid kids. Some individuals amongst us, used small incendiary devices to ignite the fuel tank. We did this in memory of our friend Anna who was killed last year fighting state forces of the Turkish Military. We remember her not as a martyr or hero but as a friend; flawed as she was, the fire of her spirit brought us to this moment.



some stupid riot kids

P.S.1: Stop using whores, pigs, pussies/cunts as insults.

P.S.2: During the riots in Polytechnio and around, there were 2 arrests. Let’s respond violently to the violence of the state opression.

(Source: athens.indymedia)

Santiago, Chile: Action 3 years after the death in combat of compañero Sebastián Oversluij

Sebastián Oversluij, we demand your memory in every direct action.* This December 11 is already 3 years since your death in combat, with fire we remember every fallen compañerx.

Freedom for the PDI case compañerxs, Tamara Sol and all other compas who have been kidnapped and imprisoned by the Police State.

Fire to the prisons!
We do not forget, we do not forgive!
The struggle continues, stronger than ever!

*Barricades, banners, pamphlets and attacks with Molotovs against the police in memory of Sebastián ‘Angry’ Oversluij and for the political prisoners outside UMCE (Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences). There were also clashes outside Campus Juan Gómez Millas (University of Chile). 07.12.2016

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)

Athens, Greece: About the conflicts of the 17th November at the Polytechnic


We take responsibility for the participation in the conflicts of November 17th, 2016 in Athens at the Polytechnic. We are delighted for their scope, and for the 6 cops in the hospital. We are pleased that we were actively part of an anarchist insurrectionary act which showed a sufficient force for the measures and the possibilities it offers.
We were not part of the conflict in order to “celebrate the anniversary” of November 17. We were not part of the conflict to do social constituencies. We were not part of the conflict to “revive the glory” of the Polytechnic uprising. We were not part of the conflict in the hope of provoking some serious property damage. And neither were we part of the conflict to show that the so-called anarchist space has a compact dynamic and combative presence, creating the illusion of a mass “that breaks” and “sows chaos” in pre-arranged meetings with considerable operational force .

We were part of the conflict to create moments of attack and familiarity with the immediate anarchic violence, to test our reflexes to coexist with individualities we value theoretically and practically, and finally get away from experiential inaction and inertia. We were part of an insurrectionary moment, with some elementary (in terms of material costs towards the authoritative carriers) effectiveness.

We were part of the conflict as a sacrilegious farce toward pilgrimages, the anniversary walks, the coffeehouse revival of past “Good times”, the democratic, conciliatory spirit of “struggling people” , the sanctification and symbolization of struggles -with the aim to justify obedience to our penchant for quietness and security- elevating them into something unattainable that only in the future will happen again, and of course by others. We stood across from the cops of democracy by fighting democracy itself and any authoritarian regime, and diffusing the proposal of direct action in the present.

We were part of the conflict, disassociated from the plebs that embraces the logic that “the mess is useless, standard, graphic and harmful to the movement.”
Firstly, indifferent is the movement and its fictitious unity to us, as we recognize the theoretical and practical gaps, and not seek consistency. Each one their own way.
Secondly, clearly the conflicts at the Polytechnic don’t constitute something original. But all that is a familiar field with the direct physical conflict with the army of the present authority, and a situation even in the least aggressive, we certainly rejoice, as we would be pleased to see banners, painting, symbolic actions, and generally any anarchist act of diffusion of our perceptions.
And thirdly, for many people the clash with cops, even with relatively safer conditions, is an acquaintance scope with others, operational coexistence and possibility of passing to direct action, something which we fully choose. Clearly we have no illusion of comradeship and common theoretical base with the people participating, being scrappy and its anthropography includes in many cases figures that are our enemies, for instance a bunch of males who honor their trousers (1), self-appointed “experts” of violence, etc. So we communicate our point of view expressing our individualities alone.

We were part of the conflict to remind the professors of NTUA Dimitris Manolakos and Emmanuel Koukios that there are people who do not forget the cooperation signed on August 24, 2016 with the navy. We do not forget the promotion of research and development of surveillance and enforcement practices (thermal cameras at the border fence in Evros, immigrants underwater detection systems, drones, etc.), from NTUA and the army enthusiasts professors. We do not forget the use of the NTUA to safeguard the doctrine of “law and order” in Greece. Narks keep you eyes open.

We choose the direct action for the physical destruction against carriers of all kinds of authority. We seek to disseminate anarchist war, and for this we aim at decentralization, specifically at its “dis-exarcheia-ization”(2). To become unpredictable, to exploit the absence or reduced presence of cops on every corner of the city to attack, to cause material blow to the enemy. The rigged appointments and foreseeable actions are ok, but we prefer to move unnoticed, to upgrade our means constantly, to study the state and its mechanisms and to strike at more sensitive spots, without underestimating the value of head-on collision.
As for the cops, the “indignant” citizens, the journalistic trash that were taking photos and videos to sell to the regime media of domestication, the neighbors that their sleep was disturbed, the narks and every motherfucker that has touched a companion of ours or whatever individuality was present on the battlefield, let them be sure they do not slow the day they will receive the violence they deserve. They and their properties, their fuckin’ stores and state dungeons, in which time swings as gallows, definitely are not safe.
We have nothing to do with the world of authority, our logics are absolutely parallel, and no reconcilement can be made. Let’s organize our war. To smash the state “monopoly of violence”. To fill the gaps in the state apparatus with gasoline, bullets and gunpowder.
We welcome the comrades who kept squatted the Gini building in Athens, we welcome the brothers/sisters with whom we shared those moments, and with whom we will share even more intense. We welcome any insurrected person and every act of diffusion of our anarchist perception.

Strength to the 5 arrestees of November 15th and to the 13 of November 17th in Athens, and to all the comrades who were arrested in Greece.

Flaming signals of solidarity to the comrades in Italy prosecuted for participation in FAI/ FRI.


Some insurrected minorities

(1) The comrades mean some numbskulls, part of the plebs who show unrestrained ”masculinity” as part of an ethos of the dominant social ideology in the specific geographic areas.

(2) Exarcheia is the geographic area of ”anti-authoritarianism”.

(via Antisocial Evolution)

Athens: Responsibility claim for participation in street clashes on October 19th


During the night of Wednesday October 19th we took part, alongside many other groups and individualities, in the street clashes around the Polytechnic in Exarchia, that lasted for several hours with constant attacks with molotovs, stones and fireworks against antiriot police squads.

Street clashes, in any of their forms (exiting university premises through incendiary means, rioting in demonstrations, etc.), are part of the multiform anarchic attack against Power and the imposed normality. Because of their characteristics, this is one of the most effective ways to demonstrate the conflict between anarchy and the world of Power. This is why we support the diffusion of this and other forms of struggle that aim to destabilize and spread chaos until the collapse of the existent.

But we don’t want to limit ourselves in a routine of anticop hate; along with the attacks against the cops, we promote the practice of attack against the structures and symbols of domination, from the most obvious like banks and ministries, to those urban elements that serve the normal function of the metropolis: road signs, traffic lights, cameras, bus stops… as well the representations, symbols and idols of Power in the form of icons, monuments, statues…

At the same time, barricades and attacks on public transportation (buses, trolleybuses, metro… without passengers inside) are forms of interruption of the normal flow of people and commodities, and sabotage against the state and private companies that manage this flow.

All those symbols and structures represent or serve a function of the authoritarian civilization we want to destroy, so they’ll always be a target for us.

We don’t see anarchic violence as a sacrifice or as a revolutionary obligation; instead, we demystify it, we turn it into a banality, we use it in a ludic way, making it obtainable for everybody, without professionalisms or restrictions.

No act of rebellion is useless!

Riots everywhere!

Strength to the prisoners and the persecuted!

-Some hooded kids

(Πηγή : contrainfo)