Prison of Ferrara – Italy Letter of anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito


( Received 28/10/16)

**This text was written during his hunger strike. (in hunger strike from 3/10) **

Prison of Ferrara – Italy
Letter of anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito

Valentina, Danilo, Anna, Marco, Sandro, Daniele, Nicola friends, brothers, sisters, comrades were arrested and rearrested.

I should narrate the same old story about another fabrication. Instead, I want to talk about the reason why they were arrested. Brothers and sisters were arrested because they attacked, they were tired of waiting, they ignored the decisions of the majority and took action.

I remain optimistic and in high spirits because the logic of “1 + 1 = 2” tells me that the comrades who struck are still free, therefore they are able to strike again.

The power does not repress randomly. Today it wants to isolate and to annihilate part of anarchist movement, a “small” as it may be it was able to break the chains that tied it to the “old social anarchy”.

A social anarchism that in suicidal and compulsive way looks for “consensus at any costs”. Diluting continuously its aspirations.

This vision that “never goes beyond” is very convenient for power, on the contrary it fears those anarchists who refuse that “consensus” ties their hands, because they believe that only out of the action (not made of abstract theories or searching-pursuing of “people”) can the strategy be born, the path to follow.

I don’t want comment the “charges” and so-called “evidences”. The only thing I would say is that the brothers and sisters of FAI-FRI have always claimed with head held high, in front of black-robed pigs, their own merits, their own actions, taking the responsibilities, spitting in the pigs’ faces, as we did in Genoa.

My main priority is not to get out of prison at all costs, but to get out with head held high without having denied anything of what I was, and I am.

I will get out by hook or by crook, it will all depends on my strength, on my abilities, on the strength of my brothers and sisters outside, but definitely I will get out with head held high.

My ideal complicity goes to brothers and sisters of the “Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco ed Affini”-FAI, to brothers and sisters of FAI-RAT(Rivolta Anonima Tremenda) and to brothers and sisters of Narodnaja Volja – FAI, whoever they are, wherever they are.

My ideal complicity goes to anarchism of praxis, which in new forms is rising in most of the world, after a long hibernation.

Forward, without fear.

The future is ours.

Thought and Dynamite

Alfredo Cospito

(Original Version)

Prison of Latina, letter from anarchist Anna Beniamino – Italy

Today – Monday 10th October – I decided to start a hunger strike against
the isolation that I am being subjected to along with other comrades who
are part of this investigation, from the moment of our arrest on 6th
September. This isolation has remain unchanged, despite comrades having
been transferred to different AS2 sections and the custodial
interrogations that have taken place. In solidarity with Alfredo Cospito
who is on hunger strike since 3rd October and is being held in isolation
in the AS2 section of Ferrara prison.
I knowingly use the hunger strike as an instrument that expresses a
minimal sign of reaction to barbarities that are rooted in captivity and
As always, I keep anarchism in my heart and mind, hold love and respect
for all the untamable comrades outside and inside prison, have rage in
my teeth and a smile on my lips.
From CNA 15th October

(via : actforfree.nostate)

Italy: It Comes As No Surprise (Operation “Scripta Manent”)


As I had already written in a statement a few days ago about the operation “Scripta Manent” [“written words remain“], 32 comrades across Italy were awakened by the dogs in uniforms at dawn on September 6.

The result of this new operation, ordered by Turin Prosecutor’s Office through its inquisitor Roberto M. Sparagna, is 7 arrested and 15 under investigation. The eighth comrade, editor of Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross], Daniele was arrested following the search when they found the batteries and a handbook for electrician.

Apart from Alfredo and Nicola, already in Ferrara’s prison for the wounding of Roberto Adinolfi, the other arrested comrades are Alessandro, Marco, Danilo, Valentina and Anna.

The articles 270bis [association for purposes of terrorism], 280 bis [attacks for terrorist or subversive purposes] and 285 [threatening to commit a terrorist crime] are the sum of the alleged offences which started as far back as 2003 and are related to a series of attacks signed by “FAI-Federazione Anarchica Informale”, through the cells ““Narodnaja Volja”, “Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini (occasionalmente spettacolare)” [Fire and Similar Craftwork Cooperative, occasionally spectacular], “FAI/RAT (Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda)” [Anonymous and Terrible Revolt], and the cell “Olga”. The comrades Alfredo and Nicola have assumed the responsibility for their participation in this cell and for the wounding of Adinolfi.

So, another investigation of Informal Anarchist Organization, another attempt to fishing in troubled waters just to ensure the salary which is going to fatten another Savonarola and his family in the period between the investigation and the trial.

Am I surprised by just another operation?

Not at all!

If I swim in the ocean voluntarily, I know very well that I will meet the sharks sooner or later. But, these sharks can be sure they can’t scare me in the crossing…


Prosecutions, searches, investigations, prisons and trials don’t touch me at all. On the contrary, the more I feel you on my back the more I feel the rage…

They will never make me take a step back, and they will never make me change my mind that, from the moment I came into this world against my will, I will do my best to live better in it…

They will never make me change my idea that the direct action is the only weapon to destroy this miserable and opulent existent.

Therefore, I am not a “poor comrade” who has suffered harassment from cops and a judge, because since I realized that I madly love my ideas, I took everything into consideration, with no exceptions.

A small example can be this temporarily reopening of the RadioAzione website which I shut down more than a year ago, and now it will try to update the comrades exclusively on this operation, publishing communiques, solidarity acts and updates on arrested comrades.

It will not be publishing anything else, and the reasons are the same which led me to shut down the web site in August 2015.

I hope that the non-Italian comrades won’t hold it against me, I have many doubts even today about things that I don’t know well and I didn’t knew well in the past.

It is not a coincidence that I will update only on operation “Scripta Manent”.

In this operation are involved the very few comrades, brothers and sisters, the ones I always felt very close to in these last twenty years, and with some of them even more.

Alessandro, Marco, Danilo, Valentina, Anna, Alfredo, Nicola, and Daniele too, will be  on my mind every day until the day I will see them out of the concentration camp of the State.

They will walk with me, in my thoughts, outside the prison walls, bars and special sections.

They will walk with me, in my thoughts, along the dark path which leads to anarchy.

In the end, the national press are reaffirming the same role of inquisitors and jackals, following very carefully a series of anarchist websites to transcript on their toilet paper excerpts of our reflections, accompanying them with their Lombroso-reminiscence analyses.

Especially the center-left press, like good little ships and the voice of the master, in order to hide the fact that the money for the earthquake, and for the previous one, will never be allocated (it will be used for restructuring the bank of the minister Boschi’s father), it splashes the anarchists and their solidarity communiques across the front page, hoping for comments from the idiotic and conservative zombie mass who lives in the suburbs of the net.

But, don’t worry, because in our thoughts are also you, journo hacks and jackals.

As with every empire that should be destroyed, it begins with destroying the army to reach the kings and the queens.

If the “written words remains”, be sure that despite the arrests and searches our ideas will survive too, until the day we will see them realized… but in that world there will not be a place for you.

For anarchy, for direct action.

Me, myself and I

Naples, 11 September 2016

(via RadioAzione, translated by Anarhija)

Italy , Naples – September carrion – Operation “Scripta Manent”

We receive translated and spread:
At about 5.00 this morning, September 6, almost like an anniversary or the tax on garbage due, a pack of guard dogs materialized outside my door.
 They were not begging for nuggets, biscuits or bones but weapons, explosives, claims, Croce Nera Anarchica, Pagine in Rivolta and KNO3 …
With the arrogance typical of watchdogs, they pushed into the house and started rummaging, not before having delivered me the formal invitation signed, not by me of course, but a certain Roberto M. Sparagna who works as inquisitor on behalf of the Prosecutor of Turin.
 Apart from a few “Cobra” firecrackers and a smoke bomb they did not find anything else “dangerous” and gave vent their hunger on newspapers, pamphlets and posters, especially from Greece and Mexico, the above Italian anarchist publications and others, posters with FAI / FRI symbols as well as a good amount of correspondence even from decades ago.
 After turning my room upside down and visiting those of my roommates, they asked me to accompany them to the police station to list the sum total of the raid and receive a receipt of confiscation.
 Once again, with Septembrian surgical precision, they have unleashed raids and issued notifications of impending investigations; but above all some comrades have been kidnapped, 8 to be precise…
 This time, in order to gain a place on the State payroll for a few years, the prosecutor R. M. Sparagna had to fish in troubled waters, going back to events that happened in 2003 (who knows if the next inquisitor will accuse and arrest us for the “Matese uprising” or the “revolt of Piombino “…
 Those that the “wig” on duty is turning to, and has summed up under “270bis”, are attacks carried out from 2003 onwards with the signature FAI / FRI, not knowing that back in 2004 someone from Rome had tried with “Operation Cervantes” and a couple of years later with the operation against the comrades of the then Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross].
 The arrest of our comrades will not succeed in making us beat a retreat, so arm yourselves with “holy inquisitorial” patience because you will have to wake us up at dawn for a long time … if you can find us still in our beds …  Alfredo, Nicola, Anna, Marco, Alessandro, Daniele, Danilo and Valentina will not be left alone even for a second.
 Our thoughts will be with them every moment of their sequestered lives, in their every breath, in each one of our steps along the paths of the dark woods.
 I, myself and me
 Naples, 6 September 2016

(via actforfree.nostate)

Italy [Op. Scripta Manent]: Current addresses of anarchists captured on September 6th




On September 6th 2016, Torino’s section of the DIGOS antiterrorist unit unleashed an anti-anarchist operation under the name “Scripta Manent”. House searches were conducted in various regions of Italy. Anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, incarcerated since September 2012 for kneecapping Adinolfi (Olga Cell FAI/FRI), received a new arrest notification in prison. Additionally, six arrests were made on the outside (five in the context of this operation; one as outcome of a house search).

Operation Scripta Manent seeks to attribute to the accused a series of actions claimed by FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation) in Italy. Therefore, the comrades Marco, Sandrone, Anna, Danilo and Valentina, alongside Alfredo and Nicola, are likely to face charges of “subversive association with terrorist intent”.

Below are their mailing addresses (that may change at any time):

Marco Bisesti
Alessandro Mercogliano

C.R. Rebibbia, Via Raffaele Majetti 70, 00156 Roma, Italia

Anna Beniamino
C.C. Via Aurelia nord km 79,500 n. snc 00053 Civitavecchia, Italia

Emiliano Danilo Cremonese
C.C. Via San Donato 2, 65129 Pescara, Italia

Valentina Speziale
C.C. Via Ettore Ianni 30, 66100 Chieti, Italia

Nicola and Alfredo are held in the AS2 wing of Ferrara prison:

Nicola Gai
Alfredo Cospito

C.C. Via dell’Arginone 327, 44122 Ferrara, Italia

Daniele, an editor of Croce Nera Anarchica, was captured that same day in the context of another arrest proceeding, after police found some batteries and an electrician’s manual in his apartment. He is likely to face charges of “possession of materials for the manufacture of explosive devices”.

The comrade can be contacted at:

Daniele Cortelli
C.C. Regina Coeli, Via della Lungara 29, 00165 Roma, Italia

Sources in Italian: Informa-azione & CNA; in English:ActForFreedomNow

(via contrainfo)

Naples, Italy: September carrion – Operation “Scripta Manent”


At about 5.00 this morning, September 6, almost like an anniversary or the tax on garbage due, a pack of guard dogs materialized outside my door.

They were not begging for nuggets, biscuits or bones but weapons, explosives, claims, Croce Nera Anarchica, Pagine in Rivolta and KNO3 …

With the arrogance typical of watchdogs, they pushed into the house and started rummaging, not before having delivered me the formal invitation signed, not by me of course, but a certain Roberto M. Sparagna who works as inquisitor on behalf of the Prosecutor of Turin.

Apart from a few “Cobra” firecrackers and a smoke bomb they did not find anything else “dangerous” and gave vent their hunger on newspapers, pamphlets and posters, especially from Greece and Mexico, the above Italian anarchist publications and others, posters with FAI / FRI symbols as well as a good amount of correspondence even from decades ago.

After turning my room upside down and visiting those of my roommates, they asked me to accompany them to the police station to list the sum total of the raid and receive a receipt of confiscation.

Once again, with Septembrian surgical precision, they have unleashed raids and issued notifications of impending investigations; but above all some comrades have been kidnapped, 8 to be precise…

This time, in order to gain a place on the State payroll for a few years, the prosecutor R. M. Sparagna had to fish in troubled waters, going back to events that happened in 2003 (who knows if the next inquisitor will accuse and arrest us for the “Matese uprising” or the “revolt of Piombino “…

Those that the “wig” on duty is turning to, and has summed up under “270bis”, are attacks carried out from 2003 onwards with the signature FAI / FRI, not knowing that back in 2004 someone from Rome had tried with “Operation Cervantes” and a couple of years later with the operation against the comrades of the then Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross].

The arrest of our comrades will not succeed in making us beat a retreat, so arm yourselves with “holy inquisitorial” patience because you will have to wake us up at dawn for a long time…if you can find us still in our beds…Alfredo, Nicola, Anna, Marco, Alessandro, Daniele, Danilo and Valentina will not be left alone even for a second.

Our thoughts will be with them every moment of their sequestered lives, in their every breath, in each one of our steps along the paths of the dark woods.

I, myself and me

Naples, 6 September 2016

(via Act For Freedom Now!)

Italy: Text from anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito in solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Genova - processo ai due anarchici accusati del ferimento del manager Ansaldo, Adinolfi

On the 30th of August Alfredo damaged the glass partition windows of the interview room in the high surveillance section of Ferrara prison in solidarity with the prisoners of the CCF who were recently sentenced to more than a hundred years in prison for an attempted escape.

Today August 30 almost 4 years since my arrest I wanted to celebrate the anniversary with the destruction of the interview room window panels. This action is my contribution of revolutionary solidarity with my brothers and sister of the CCF-FAI-FRI who were condemned by yet another judicial process and sentenced to 110 years each for a failed escape attempt. The anarchist prisoner is not a flag, nor must we build a monument around them, sometimes they are a piece of our heart, sometimes not…nevertheless they continue to struggle, to live…not to be remembered, but wanting revenge, freedom, but ultimately they may also be alone because by nature they do not belong to any flock…

Long live FAI-FRI

Long live CCF

(via Croce Nera Anarchica, translated by Insurrection News)

Italy: 30 searches and 5 arrests for the attacks of Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)


In the early hours of September 6, an operation coordinated by the Digos [political police] of Turin led the searches of 30 homes in various Italian regions (Piedmont, Liguria, Lazio, Umbria, Lombardy,Abruzzo, Campania, Sardinia and Emilia Romagna) and the arrest of five anarchist comrades accused of subversive association with terrorist intent: Anna, Marco, Sandrone, Danilo and Valentina; in addition, a notification in prison for Nicola and Alfredo.

The operation, called “Scripta Manent” [from Latin proverb “verba volant, scripta manent” — spoken words fly away, written words remain], tries to attribute to a single direction a series of direct actions claimed by the Informal Anarchist Federation, reproducing in this way the same repressive strategies of some previous operations, such as Servantes and Boldness (“Ardire”), and trying to impose an associative and vertical structure on the expressions of anarchist conflictuality.

In particular, the attacks inserted in this investigation include the parcel-bombs sent to the CPT’s [detention centres for immigrants] director in Modena in May 2005, to the traffic-cops barracks in Torino-San Salvario and to the chief-police of Lecce (claimed by FAI/Narodnaja Volja), the explosive device against the RIS barracks [carabinieri forensics] in Parma (October 24, 2005, claimed by FAI/Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini-occasionalmente spettacolare), the parcel-bomb sent to the Mayor of Bologna Sergio Cofferati (November 2, 2005, claimed by FAI/Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini-occasionalmente spettacolare), the devices against the carabinieri cadets’ barracks in Fossano (June 2, 2006, claimed by FAI/RAT-Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda), the devices placed in the Turin neighbourhood, Crocetta (March 7, 2007, claimed by FAI/RAT); among the other actions also the wounding of Adinolfi (May 7, 2012), despite the fact that two comrades have already been convicted and have publicly claimed this attack, to corroborate the crime of association.

It seems that the investigators, felt the need to structure their clues, used even linguistic and graphology experts, in addition to electronic and computer surveillance, and tailing.

Probably, the male comrades will be transferred to the prison of AS [high surveillance] in Ferrara, and the female comrades to Rebibbia in Rome, but we prefer to await confirmation before publishing the addresses.

(via Act For Freedom Now!)

Italy Bologna, 2 August: Arrest of an anarchist for possession of explosive material

 On 4 August news appeared in the local media (Il Resto del Carlino) about the search at the home of a Bolognese anarchist after a police control following a fight in the house and the subsequent intervention of the Digos alerted by the police during the search. The media reported, “In the house were materials in common use as a fertilizer, acetone, hydrogen peroxide, but also combustible powders. Substances that, if handled in a certain way, could create an explosive mixture. That’s not all. Documents and writings of antagonistic areas, in particular anarchist were also found.” Actually it was not a charge with bail, as reported by newspapers, but an arrest for possession of explosive material, and the comrade is now locked up in the prison of Bologna Dozza pending a judicial hearing of validation.
Here is the communique of some anarchists in solidarity
We are spreading the news that our comrade Divine found the police at his door the evening of Tuesday 2nd August, following a dispute in the house. The shit entered immediately, carried out a search and alerted the digos [political police]. As reported by the press of the regime, during the raid objects and substances in common use were found which if linked together with alchemic skills could have created an explosive device, as well as various papers relating to anarchist milieu. As everybody knows, even soup that’s gone off can become a weapon in the home of an anarchist.
Divine was taken to the police station and held there for a number of days without any possibility of communicating with the outside or with lawyers. The following day the press wrote of an individual who gravitates in the anarchist area being found at home with potentially explosive material and immediately released on bail. The news was false given that, in spite of many attempts, no one managed to see Divine or to get any information about his release.
In fact, 4 days later confirmation came that the comrade is being held in the prison of Bologna on charges already reported by the press [manufacturing and possession of explosive material].
The hacks of the regime’s contemptible cover up by giving false news thus allowing Divine’s prolonged isolation, should be pointed out. We are not surprised at the state’s ferocity towards its enemies and attempts at isolation won’t stop us from continuing the attack on the existent and its active collaborators.
We are at Divine’s side, as we are with all the comrades enduring state repression, and are even more determined to continue our evil ways.
While awaiting the judge’s decision, we got confirmation that Divine is to remain in prison custody.
To write letters and telegrams in solidarity:
Divine Umoru
Via del Gomito 2, CAP 40127, Bologna
 A few anarchists
Divine has been transferred to section AS2 in Ferrara, the address to write to him is:
Divine Umoru
Via Arginone, 327
44122 Ferrara
The solidarity presence outside Bologna prison called for August 20 has therefore been moved to Ferrara, August 21.
Translated by act for freedom now!


Senorbì (Cagliari),Sardinia – 15th June: hangar used as army and police vehicles maintenance garage goes on flames



In the early hours of 15th June the mechanic’s garage Automec was stricken by an incendiary attack in Senorbì. The company won a contract for the maintenance of Police and Army vehicles, mainly vans and coaches.
The saboteurs cut off the mesh of the external fence and forced their entrance. Then they placed petrol tanks in the garage and in the offices and set a fire that destroyed a Prison Police’s Fiat Ducato and another car besides causing huge damage to the structure


foto_517846_550x340 foto_517847_550x340
Translated by act for freedom now!