For a dangerous June – call for a month of mobilization in solidarity with italian anarchist prisoners

(Received 9/5/17)

For a Dangerous June

A text that sums up the ideas expressed during the meetings ‘With our heads held high’

State repression is the most important part of the system of dominion and one of its most disgraceful expressions; it doesn’t surprise us that those who are struck most are historically those who don’t let themselves be recuperated by the system of power, i.e. anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities.
The latter respond to the physical, psychological, moral, social and economic repression unleashed by all the components of democratic power and to the brutal indiscriminate violence of its armed hands and the judiciary. This they do with direct action aimed at those responsible for repression, with the creative and liberating destruction of the places of dominion and the sabotage of its infrastructures, so as to put an end, or at least hamper, the causes of exploitation and oppression by human beings on other human beings, the earth and animals.
In the view of total liberation, to passively watch the reproduction of dominion means to be accomplices, so there are those who continue to hold their heads high and rebel.
As a consequence power puts all its strategies into action, and the trials and proceedings against comrades for actions, episodes of conflictuality and writings still continue. Next month there will be the cassation trial concerning so-called operation Shadow, where a number of comrades are accused, among other things, of instigation to commit a crime following the publication of the paper KNO3. [1]
These judicial proceedings are an expression of the war that the authorities are waging on the bond between thought and action, which is the foundation of anarchism’s dangerousness. Beyond individual and specific struggles, this police operation aims at striking the cardinal concepts of antiauthoritarian ideas and methods such as direct action, refusal of delegating and solidarity.

Starting from these reflexions, during the meetings that developed after the arrests of operation Scripta Manent, rather than dwell on the strategies of repression, we felt it necessary to not reduce solidarity to the technical support of those who are in prison, but to widen the spectrum of our analysis.
In this respect, we discussed how solidarity is a fundamental element of our anarchist acting and relations of complicity aimed at the destruction of dominion. This form of solidarity goes beyond repression’s attacks, and is capable of not letting itself be suffocated by the specificity of the trajectories of struggle when we recognize ourselves in a common tension of attack. In particular, active solidarity is an essential instrument to respond to state violence and not take its blows passively but maintain a stance of attack, so as not to develop attitudes of victimization, which is what repression wants. Thinking in terms of offensive, of permanent and internationalist conflictuality beyond each one’s path, the risk of isolation can be reduced and one of the enemy’s most important goals can be made ineffective.
To express solidarity with specific contexts and projects doesn’t mean to have to conform to the discourses and practices of those who have been struck, nor does it mean to necessarily follow in the wake of a given struggle or practice: if we recognize ourselves in a common horizon we can act in solidarity according to our own individual tension.
The creation of solidarity relations on a local and international level is a strategic objective which we should give ourselves in order to face the strengthening of repression’s means and will against anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities
We think it necessary to address our proposals, projectuality and objectives towards the destruction of the system, which organizes social relations of dominion by flattening dissent through recuperation, and wherever this is not possible, by eliminating it through repression.
In this respect, we recognize the importance of multiform actions and practices within anarchism. Precisely because the more differences that exist in a context, the stronger the possibility of not getting stuck on pre-arranged dogmatic positions, provided that any specific struggle and attack is part of the wider view of tension towards subversion.
To recognize the value of this diversity also means to lay the foundations for opposing all centralizing and dominating tendencies within anarchism.
This is only possible through an attitude of constant self-criticism and critique between the different approaches, an attitude that goes towards qualitatively significant growth of both analysis of what surrounds us and the various possible ways to organize the destruction of what oppresses us.
By refusing to classify or make it possible for others to classify our different tensions into identity categories, we think that any attack on authority interacts with social mechanisms and relations and at the same time acts against society itself.
From a strategic point of view the existence of multiform practices is useful to nourish the complexity of the forms of organization and attack, and enhances the discussion on means and ends within the different anarchist projectualities of action. To understand how to give value to this diversity without diluting its contents in the view of a common project of total destruction of the system of dominion, is an absolute necessity.
It is important to consider different proposals and projectualities not as being antithetical and static but as being instruments, resources and possibilities at anarchists’ disposal, provided that they have certain characteristics that we believe are fundamental, such as permanent conflictuality, attack, independence from institutional hierarchically organized political structures, and informality as an instrument of organization.
By permanent conflicutality we mean a tension towards the irretrievability of our practices and discourses, the refusal to submit our action to opportunistic evaluations. This doesn’t exclude the possibility of developing a strategy referring to modalities and objectives, but this cannot be a justification for wait-and-see attitudes or the watering down of our own contents for the sake of a quantitative widening.
From this point of view we reiterate the refusal of any collaboration with power or that lends itself to recuperation. By the latter we intend power’s strategy of absorbing experiences and behaviour that is potentially dangerous to itself and of directing them towards its goals.
In democracies the mechanism of recuperation is complementary to the harshest face of repression and has the goal of perpetuating the system of exploitation and oppression: the attempt at inclusion and integration of some forms of dissent is meant to increase participation in the political game, thus creating divisions in order to more easily attack those who don’t want to be in the spectacle of society.
Anarchist action for the destruction of society and dominion responds both to the tension that refuses authority, and therefore doesn’t negotiate with the latter but wants to overthrow it with violence, and a wider strategy that starts off from the awareness that we will never live free by creating islands inside mass society.
It is therefore out beyond question that the struggle, in order not to be reformist, has to contemplate direct attack as a practice.
Following operation Scripta Manent Alfredo, Nicola, Danilo, Valentina, Anna, Marco and Sandrone are currently being held in high security units, subjected to restrictions and censorship of communication with the outside.
Other anarchists find themselves in prison in Italy and in the rest of the world, others here and elsewhere are undergoing various restrictive measures, such as house arrest and compulsory residence orders.
We call for mobilization in the month of June in solidarity with anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities struck by repression, as an occasion for coordination between initiatives and practices.

Rome, 30th April 2017


[1] Operation Shadow is a procedure based on article 270bis, which Perugia prosecutors started in 2008. The crime of association was dropped in the first grade trial, and in the 2015’s appeal trial it resulted in a sentence of 3 years against two comrades, a third comrade being investigated for article 302 with the aggravating circumstance of terrorism following articles published in KNO3, and sentences against other comrades for attempted sabotage on a railway line and car theft.

A letter from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino about Operation Scripta Manent and more… (Italy)


The prosecution in Turin have decided to put an entire anarchist tendency on trial: anti-organisation Anarchism. This isn’t a sensationalist and defensive overstatement, it’s what Turin’s investigating judge, Anna Ricci, enacted with the arrest warrants issued in July 2016, and enforced in September, probably to avoid disrupting the summer holidays of some pubic official.

The inquisitors’ choice is clear from the ridiculous framework that appeared in the arrest warrant papers, a product of the deleterious encounter between the mind of some cop and the rushed reading of a wikipedia summary.

The framework gives shape to a repressive-Manichean vision of a ‘social anarchy’, a good and harmless one, and an (anti-social and anti-classist) ‘individual anarchy’, violent and palatable to repression, whose method is the ‘anti-organization model’.

By making the necessary distinctions, this framework aims to define a specific camp, to create a cage, so that from a generic ‘insurrectionism’, (a sub-product of the anti-organization model), always violent and liable to punishment to varying degrees, sub-species can be pulled out to form different strands of the investigation1 for Italian cops: ‘classic insurrectionism’, ‘social insurrectionism’, ‘eco insurrectionism’ and the ‘informal anarchist federation’.

That different tensions and tendencies exist within Anarchism is a fact, but it’s also true that this type of rigid categorisation is an inherent feature of the mindset and requirements of the inquisitors, who are set on delineating a specific area in order to make their manoeuvres as best they can: it is within this space that the following operation lies.

Historically, solidarity with revolutionary prisoners has been a focal point of interest for anarchists and a way to come together and build a rebellious sensibility: revolutionary solidarity not solidarity with revolutionaries.

Devised by Turin’s Digos and prosecutors back in 2012, in the wake of 20 years of recurring and failed repressive attempts, operation Scripta Manent led to the arrest of 5 anarchists: A.M., V.S., D.C., M.B., A.B., all already under investigation and/or arrested following various anarchist publications on action and repression, specifically, Pagine in Rivolta 2, the Croce Nera Anarchica bulletin3, KNO3 4. In addition, there were the arrest warrants for A.C. and N.G., two comrades in prison since 2012 following an attack on the managing director of Ansaldo Nucleare, Adinolfi, which was claimed in court in October 2013 as the Olga Nucleus (FAI/FRI). For years, they’d been known as the editors of Pagine in Rivolta and Alfredo had already been prosecuted for KNO3.

Four other anarchists have been put under investigation, all of whom were imprisoned during the Ardire operation 5, part of which converges into these current legal proceedings, along with 4 more whose arrests the judge refused to validate in the July warrant and led to the prosecutor’s unsuccessful appeal attempt in October 2016. In addition, 32 raids were carried out across Italy, during which a comrade and editor of CNA was arrested and is still being held in prison under the AS2 regime6.

-The investigation is still underway-

The operation is being led by prosecutor Roberto Sparagna, new to so-called anti-terrorism proceedings but well-known for having run trials for so-called organised crime. It is unknown whether this operation was down to him or the input of Turin cops: the latter seems much more likely, as the bulk of the investigation was conducted and archived by the Digos over the years and because of little picturesque background events like the “greetings from Dr. Petronzi” (Turin’s ex-Digos chief), which Sparagna made sure to extend to the arrested during one of his interrogation attempts.

It matters little whether the prosecutor is essentially a puppet/ventriloquist or whether he’s driven by his own will; the declared intent is to repress and silence an anarchist component that has always supported, and continues to support, direct action, solidarity with revolutionary prisoners, the multiform practices of anarchist destructive action and permanent rebellion against political conformism and compliance inside and outside the milieus of the movement.

Everyone is charged with article 270bis, some since 2003, others since 2008 7 relating to FAI/FRI to various degrees, as both ‘promoters/organisers’, as well as ‘participants’.

A.C. and N.G. are also charged with article 280bis for a string of attacks8 carried out from 2005 to 2007 on the basis of what is defined as a ‘serious investigative framework’ even if, in actual fact, the same comrades had already been investigated by the same cops, with the same ‘evidence’ both shortly after the same events and in 20129, using the usual armoury of phone tapping, eavesdropping, video recording, tailing, DNA sampling, etc. and the cases had been archived.

Launched on the back of the 2012 arrests, this investigation is an attempt to apply an associative charge to the case of Adinolfi’s wounding and to investigate a whole political area of comrades who expressed solidarity with those arrested and with their action: the cops used article 270bis and their so-called ‘crimes of intent’, in order to sift through what had already passed through the hands of various Italian prosecutors, putting everything together under their jurisdiction by reviving and rehashing a series of case files that had previously been archived.

This attempt to bring everything together is also mentioned in the judicial order itself and had seeped into the media quite extensively in recent years, as well as in August 2016, with newspaper articles that described ‘anti-terrorism summits’ held between the different prosecutors and made grand claims of ‘bad masters’ and ‘violent infiltrators’ in contexts that in themselves, were democratically acceptable.

This time, having followed a temporal and logical format that inverts the classic action/repression sequence, repression is retroactively looking for unsolved actions and political positions consolidated over the course of 20 years, as a restraint and a warning against the current “excessive” shows of solidarity. These are clearly aimed at repressing unwelcome solidarity and the spread of an anarchist feeling that openly talks about prisoners and actions, publishes and supports them.

The cops’ ambitions aimed even higher, as evident in the raids, failed arrests and most of all, in the accusatory framework that spans 20 years of anarchist actions and publications.

The excursus begins with the Marini trial10 in 1996 and ends with the current Croce Nera Anarchica, tracing an optimal line that starts from critiques of how the Marini Trial was handled, passes through the various articles and claims presented in Pagine in Rivolta, KNO3 and CNA, and ends with writings containing discussions and calls to be present at the Adinolfi trial (WITH OUR HEADS HELD HIGH and HERE AND NOW) and finally, with today’s CNA.

This is why it is not an overstatement to claim that this legal proceeding is one that is being extended to an anarchist feeling, even if it is trying to hone in on the circle: cornerstones of anti-authoritarian thought and method such as direct action and the rejection of representation, affinity and informality, revolutionary solidarity and mutual aid, become, in the words and paper rubbish of inquisitors, the dangerous raw material that must be repressed as soon as it appears.

It is neither simply a ‘crime of opinion’ that’s being put on trial, nor the censorship of the democratic freedom of expression: this is the war that authority is waging against the bond between thought and action that lies at the basis of anarchism.

By trying to strike publications, blogs or any other means of communication anarchists decide to use, repression only reaffirms the validity of these means: to be a thorn in the side of subjugation and silence.

Prison of Latina

1 Turin’s prosecutors have produced several judicial proceedings based on this framework in the last two years, which resulted both in the attempts to put 3 eco anarchists who had been previously sentenced in Switzerland for attempted sabotage to IBM, on trial yet again for article 270bis and to investigate and charge anarchists engaged in a solidarity fund for prisoners, with raids and warrants, using the same article 270bis.

2 Pagine in Rivolta was published under the subtitle ‘revolutionary anarchist periodical’ from 1997 to 2002, with 14 issues that had a variable circulation that reached one thousand copies. It had articles of analysis and critique of the anarchist movement, chronologies of direct actions, claims, prisoners’ lists and news on repression.

3 [The first of the Black Cross series in the Italian language was the historical version published from 1969 to 1973 in support of Spanish anti-Francoists, with the additional involvement of Pino Pinelli and Stuart Christie’s Anarchist Black Cross.] The CNA bulletin targeted by repression is the one published from 2001 to 2005, and today’s CNA published since 2014 with a blog and a journal. The editors of Croce Nera Anarchica of 2001/2005 were the targets of the 2005 ‘Operation Croce Nera’, a 270bis operation, which led to the arrests of seven comrades that led to no avail, 3 of whom are among those investigated within Scripta Manent.

4 KNO3 came out in 2008 as a single issue that was subtitled ‘revolutionary anarchist paper’. In 2008 it was the object of a 270bis investigation, ‘Operation Shadow’, led by Perugia’s prosecutor Emanuela Comodi, in collaboration with the ROS carabinieri forces, in which the associative crime was dropped during the first degree trial; in 2015 the appeal trial resulted in a sentence against A.C. and A.B., whilst a third comrade was put under investigation for article 302 with the aggravating circumstance of terrorism linked to articles published in KNO3; other comrades were sentenced for the sabotage of a railway track and for car theft.

5 ‘Operation Ardire’ began in Perugia with prosecutor Comodi, in collaboration with ROS carabinieri forces and led to seven arrests in June 2012. It was based on article 270bis and referred to a series of attacks claimed by FAI/FRI between 2009 and 2012. The jurisdiction of the case passed from Perugia to Milan after a high court ruling in the appeal court, and for some of the accused, S.F., E.D.B.,G.P.S. and G.L.T., it was passed from Milan to Turin and brought into Scripta Manent. All those imprisoned were released in 2013 after serving the maximum term.

6 D.C. was arrested during one of the raids within Scripta Manent after electric material for common use (9-volt batteries and bulbs) was found in his home. Prosecutor Francesca Polino from Rome opened a separated proceeding against him, whilst keeping him in the high security AS2 regime.

7 From 2003, because this is the year identified as the beginning of FAI following the attack on the interior minister at the time, Prodi and because of the text that claimed responsibility for it. For some of the accused, it’s 2008, because they’d already been put under investigation for the same attack, without having been formally charged.

8 This refers to: the explosive device against the RIS carabinieri forces in Parma in October 2005, an action claimed by Coop. Artigiana Fuoco e Affini (occasionally spectacular)/FAI; the explosive/incendiary parcel sent to the then mayor of Bologna Sergio Cofferati in November 2005, also claimed by Coop. Artigiana Fuoco e Affini/FAI; the double explosive attack on the carabinieri training centre in Fossano (CN) in June 2006 claimed by FAI/RAT; the explosive/incendiary parcels sent to the then mayor of Turin Chiamparino, the director of Torino Cronaca Beppe Fossati and placed on the premises of Coema Edilitia, a company involved in the construction of the CIE in Turin in July 2006, all claimed by RAT/FAI; the 3 explosive devices set off in sequence in the Turin neighbourhood of Crocetta in March 2007 and claimed by RAT/FAI.

9 In the summer of 2012, during the investigation and subsequent arrest of A.C. and N.G., prosecutors in various Italian jurisdictions reopened a series of archived case files relating to the attacks that the FAI had claimed over the previous 10 years.

10 In 1995, about thirty anarchists were arrested and put on trial by Rome’s prosecutor Antonio Marini in collaboration with ROS carabinieri forces for article 270bis, in addition to a series of specific offences. The associative charge referring to the so-called ORAI organisation was dropped in 2004 and a sentence for subversive propaganda and other specific offences were confirmed.

translated via actforfree

Croce Nera Anarchica a-periodical, Issue no.3, pages 2-4

Prison of Ferrara [Italy]: Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike (03/05/2017)

Today anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito begins a ten-days hunger strike against the censorship imposed to him by prosecutor Sparagna [/in charge of op. “Scripta Manent”/], which blocks almost the whole incoming and outgoing correspondence.
Alfredo asks all comrades outside to send books, magazines, letters and printed materials in general, in protest and in support of his strike.

(Via : Croce Nera Anarchica

Liège, Belgium: The Beauty of a Burning Police Station

We are not soldiers.
We are criminals.
We have no fatherland, no higher cause, we do not follow any directions other than those of ourselves.

On the other hand, we are fighting.
To find our lives, explore our freedoms.

We fight the misery of our lives, the oppression of morals, and the grids that imprison us.

On the night of April 18, we set fire to a police station in Liège (Belgium). It was completely destroyed, devastated by the flames.

We dedicate this action to the imprisoned comrades who are accused of bank robbery in Aachen.

Determination and courage!

Our thoughts are also with the Montreuil compa and Damien, still imprisoned in Fleury.
Never give up!

A greeting to all those who conspire.

With violence, love and joy.
Always at war.

“Don’t you have a light?” and friend.

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Ferrara Prison [Italy]: Update on censorship / Anarchist comrade Nicola Gai in isolation (31/03/2017)

We learn from the correspondence with anarchist comrades in the AS2 [high security] of Ferrara prison,
that with the renewal of censorship [March 6th] for another three months, the grip on their correspondence
started again, and many letters are seized.

In addition, they tell us that comrade Nicola Gai could be in isolation. We are waiting to get all the facts,
as soon as the prison visits will be done.

(Via :

Athens, Greece: Explosive attack against New Democracy politician Adonis Georgiades’s bookstore by CCF-FAI/IRF

Responsibility claim for the attack on Adonis Georgiades‘s bookstore.

On 3/15 we placed and detonated a clockwork explosive device at Adonis Georgiades’s bookstore at 263 Kifissias Av.

Adonis Georgiadis is a well known to all… picturesque, saturated and at the same time, a ridiculous political figure, who over the years moves within the (far)-right milieu according to his interests. Now an MP of New Democracy (the main right wing party) he does not miss any opportunity to propagate the neoliberal ideas whether in the parliament or in some television broadcast, being addicted to television as a TV persona. When not selling his nationalist noonsense (such as the books of Kostas Plevris – national-socialist figure) he makes “gifts” of 65 million euros to pharmaceutical companies who trade in human life. Specifically, Georgiades, as health minister in 2014, changed the pricing of drugs in favor of the pharmaceutical industries particularly favoring the Novartis company. Combined with the fact that his wife’s name featured in the Lagarde list, it’s proven that the TV booksalesman does not limit himself to book sales.

His rhetoric is always in convergence with the ideas of the party he belongs to each time, and often revolves around the issue of the repression of anarchists. He encourages and opens the way for intensification of repressive measures in all fields, from the diffuse street combative insurrectionary riots until further militarization of treating our imprisoned comrades (bringing back the high security prison cells – C Type, depriving prisoners of their permits etc.) This garbage knows -just like we do- that the anarchists of the deed are his enemies. He knows, as he said, that he fears those who are furiously fighting for freedom and dignity, those who destroy, with fire as an ally, all that he represents. He knows that the anarchists of the deed did not make a truce with their consciousness, concluding peace with the supposedly left government of SYRIZA as initially did a part of the anti-authoritarian milieu. Instead, we carried on on the path of continuous anarchist revolution demanding nothing less than everything. That’s why he’s afraid.

Such a populist could not be absent from the political agenda of New Democracy. His national-patriotic narrative finds its ground in a section of society offering him social acceptance, while maintaining the social consensus needed for him to continue advertising his nonsense. This specific TV booksalesman has chosen a clear position in the social war and makes his presence visible, since… being a cork helps him to float on the surface. N.D “invests” in its anti-anarchist campaign using A.Georgiades, M.Vorides, N.Dendias and the hidden reserve Ch.Athanasiou, as a vanguard. The names of these “crusaders” of anti-revolution are on the list of the new urban guerrilla.

To paraphrase the anti-anarchistic hysteria of ND, we agree that the distance between a sledgehammer and a Kalashnikov WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY REVOLUTIONARY CONSCIOUSNESS, is as long as the distance from insurrection to continuous revolution. This is the bet for every anarchist guerrilla group: the passage from insurrectionary anarchist violence to organized armed struggle against the tyrants of our life. A passage which sharpens the hazards of anarchist attacks, multiplying their aggressiveness and fierceness.

Recent anarchist attacks and acts of FAI and CCF are part of the underground prolonged battle against the world of power… And if the silence of the mass majority reminds one of a social cemetery, we know that the road to anarchy opens up by continuing and not by ending the hostilities against power. Because when we say anarchy it is not just a word, it is a way of life. We organise, we plan and we attack, filling the hours of the day with a perpetual dangerous anarchist activity not ever calming down. Thus, dead time becomes an ally in our rebel conspiracies. Because we‘re going to live life by daring and not by bowing to our oppressors.

Each attack is a promise to ourselves that “everything continues” and a signal to all imprisoned comrades that “nothing is over”. On March 24 three comrades in Chile are going on trial: Nataly Casanova, Juan Flores and Enrique Guzman, accused for the CCF Chile and other groups’ attacks. Our thought and our hearts are close to them knowing that we belong to the same generation, away from borders, nations and religions, with the unfulfilled feeling of freedom and rebellion that never ends as our only homeland…

PS: We will come back soon … MPOUMPOUKO we‘ll see you again …..

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

(via Mpalothia)

Chile: New solidarity poster for imprisoned anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly & Enrique, on trial since March 24


On September 18, 2014, Nataly Casanova and Juan Flores were arrested in a police and media raid, accused under the Anti-terrorist Law of placing explosives in various parts of Santiago.

A few months later, Enrique Guzmán, who regularly visited them in prison, was arrested and accused of the same charges. Presented from the outset as internal enemies that must be destroyed, they have remained in pre-trial detention ever since.

On March 24 the trial begins against the comrades to defend the monopoly of violence by the state, attack anarchist ideas and punish solidarity with the threat of long sentences and perpetual imprisonment.

Trials are instances of self-affirmation and of great relevance for the authorities and for the theatre of democracy that are broadcast via their propaganda organs, seeking to break down our comrades and hand down exemplary punishments in order to intimidate anyone who dares to rebel in the face of Dominion. It is up to us to transform these instances into an arena of combat and defence for the accused comrades.

If they punish solidarity, we will respond with greater force. Action without limits against the State and all Authority.


(via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News)

Hamburg, Germany: Fire and Flames for the Police!

In Hamburg we say goodbye to cop cars

On March 17, we set fire to two police cars in Hamburg. Right near the residence of Mayor Olaf Scholze we burned the vehicle of his guards on Schmarjestraße. In the Hindenburgstraße in front of the office of the police union (GdP) and directly in front of the police, a GdP van was torched.

The police union and their national chairman Kirsch threatened after the riot in Hamburg on 21.12.2013 that “Next time we will use sharp shooters!” A warning of an escalation in Hamburg, with reference to the clashes in Genoa and the assassination of Carlo Giuliani, was issued in a similar manner by the Confederation of German Detectives. It is quite clear that in the event of a loss of control during the G20 summit that dead demonstrators cannot be ruled out. The daily victims of the cops are seen as necessary collateral losses for this system.

The police union together work with the German police force as the political arm of the cops. They urge for a tightening of penalties regarding ‘physical’ attacks on police officers. For example, the planned paragraph 114 proposes that attacks should be punished more easily and more severely and in any case with imprisonment. There would not even need to be any physical injury. And if the attacker is carrying a weapon without using it or with the intention to use it, the punishment increases. The previous legislative paragraph was already tightened in 2011. But, contrary to the figures presented to the public, attacks on police officers have actually decreased in recent years. Even criminal lawyers have stated that serious injuries to police leading to prolonged incapacity in Germany are extremely rare. How unfortunate! So it seems obvious for whom their laws work.

The police union now have one less vehicle to provide the cops with coffee during the summit. And there is also one less van that can get in our way or patrol our neighborhoods. This may not be much, but it can be repeated at any time by anybody who decides to do so. Let us destroy what oppresses us. There is nothing to wait for!

We remember Ian Tomlinson, who died of a heart attack at the London G20 summit in 2009 after the cops had knocked him to the ground several times, bashed him and made no attempt to revive him.
We remember Carlo Giuliani, who was shot dead by the cops during the Genoa G7 summit in 2001. And to all those whose names are unknown who were murdered in everyday circumstances by the cops.

Before the summit, during the summit and after the summit: Against the state, capitalism and all authority!

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)