[Athens] Gesture of solidarity with the comrades in Chile, that are prosecuted for the PDI case (Contribution to the international solidarity call for 16-21 of October)


We dont’ have many things to say, but only to furiously shout the battle cry of solidarity with our imprisoned comrades, and of the hate and disgust against everything attempting to oppress and trample our bodies and our desires. Let’s go out in the streets, to make the presence of our sisters/brothers visible out of the prison walls, to make the streets overflow from the noise of the anarchist actions; let’s grab space and moments from the authority and wholeheartedly turn against them. Not many things remain to us. Our love for the comrades that totally feel the custody and repression in daily basis, and also for the sisters/brothers with whom we coexist out here, is enough for us to risk everything, attempting to cause even the minimum damage to the enemy, and also to stand on our feet proud for ourselves.


As a response to the international solidarity call (16-21 of October) for the comrades in Chile that are prosecuted for the PDI case, we hung a banner that says:




Santiago, Chile: Barricades in solidarity with the prisoners of war


Tuesday October 4, 2016.

Encapuchados erected barricades outside the UMCE (ex-educational) in solidarity with prisoners of war and clashed with the henchmen of the police Special Forces.

A banner was hung with the slogan: “Nothing is over, everything continues” and shouts thundered of “For the continuity of the fight against prisons, solidarity must be constant and active!”

Leaflets were left in support of Tamara Sol Farías Vegara, Andrés Aravena (Chico)*, Jean Gutiérrez (Legua) and the “PDI Case” comrades.

The day ended without any detainees.

*Comrade Andres Aravena (Chico) was released from Santiago prison 1 after a hearing on 09.08.16 where he was transferred from preventitive detention to night house arrest.

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)

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Santiago, Chile: Noise bomb attack against the police church by Anarchic Group of Unpatriotic Heretics FAI-FRI


Mobilizing our anti-authoritarian strength in concrete actions of hostility towards the power, we attacked the Evangelical Church of the Carabineros of Chile (located in the center of Santiago) with a noise bomb. We chose the night of September 19 for our action, the day in Chile when the State and the citizen masses celebrate the ‘Fiestas Patrias’ and render honor to the Armed Forces and the police.

Our action is a sign of repudiation against the festive atmosphere of nationalism and alienation promoted by the State and voluntarily accepted by the social majority functional to power.

We send our solidarity to comrade Juan Flores and the comrade Nataly Casanova, two years since their arrest accused of installing explosive devices. We also greet the comrades Juan Aliste, Marcel Villarroel, Freddy Fuentevilla and Natalia Collado. May our solidarity be transformed into fire and explosions for the comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, the imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Angeliki Spyropoulou in Greece, the comrades Nicola Gai, Alfredo Cospito and the comrades recently arrested in Italy for the attacks of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI).

Against the Church, the nation, repression and all forms of control over our lives.
Our deafening noise is a cry for freedom.

Anarchic Group of Unpatriotic Heretics (FAI/FRI)


Movilizando nuestra fuerza anti-autoritaria en acciones concretas de hostilidad hacia el poder, atacamos con una bomba de ruido la Iglesia Evangelica de Carabineros de Chile (ubicada en el centro de Santiago). Elegimos para nuestra accion la noche del 19 de septiembre, dia en que en Chile el Estado y la masa ciudadana festejan las “Fiestas Patrias” y rinden honores a las Fuerzas Armadas y de Orden.

Nuestro acto es una muestra de repudio ante clima festivo de nacionalismo y enajenacion promovido por el Estado y voluntariamente aceptado por la mayora social funcional al poder

Enviamos nuestra solidaridad al companero Juan Flores y a la companera Nataly Casanova a dos anos de su arresto acusadxs de instalar artefactos explosivos. Tambien saludamos a lxs companerxs Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villarroel, Freddy Fuentevilla y Natalia Collao.
Que la solidaridad se transforme en incendios y explosiones por lxs companerxs Monica Caballero y Francisco Solar, lxs companerxs presxs de la Cospiracion de Celulas del Fuego y la companera Aggeliky Spyropoulou en Grecia, lxs companerxs Nicola Gai, Alfredo Cospito y lxs companerxs detenidxs recientemente en Italia por ataques de la Federacion Anarquista Informal (FAI).

Contra la Iglesia, la Patria, la represion y toda forma de control sobre nuestras vidas.
Nuestro ruido ensordecedor es un grito de libertad.

Grupo anarquico de herejes anti-patriotas (FAI/FRI)

( via : insurrectionnewsworldwide)

Santiago, Chile: Street action for a Black September and Animal Liberation

anlib anlib2

The days of agitation were initiated with street action and propaganda for a new Black September, against animal abuse, the rodeo and all exploitation. Macul* with Greece. 31.08.16.

“To put an end to the suffering and exploitation of animals”.

Animal liberation is today not tomorrow. Whatever it takes, to destroy all the cages. We send combative greetings of conflict to all the comrades who dedicate their lives and fighting experience second by second to seek and destroy all cages.

*Macul is a suburb in the central-eastern part of Greater Santiago – Insurrection News

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)

Santiago, Chile – On the plunder and damage in some ‘education centres’

We are part of what the press call ‘vandalism’, we are part of what citizens call delinquency, we are the individuals who tend to break the murderous routine with small actions, individuals for whom self-compassion and mercy have given way to tangible reality, a reality that shows its worst face in everyday life, a life that is crying out for destruction so as to give space to the overwhelming impetus of autonomy and total freedom.
In a context of struggle, plunder and destruction become essential for insurgents, rebels and anyone who is against the system; undoubtedly spontaneous and organized practice will always be there. As secondary, technical and university students are begging the State for improvements in education, the minorities that long for sedition continue to annoy the authorities and to foment widespread disorder. (1)
Without thinking twice we take advantage of certain situations that we’ve been targeting for a while – at different times and contexts – the ‘education centres’ in Santiago of Chile, we plundered them, destroyed them and occupied them in order to spread the seed of anarchy in many ways; we took advantage of this for individual purposes and also – and mainly – for political anti-authoritarian projects. There was no exception this year, we plundered electrical appliances and various equipment which will help us in future political actions. We stole them from the promoters of inequality, morality and power. (2) For our part we’re satisfied, even if we will aim higher and higher, there are plenty of places.
Plunder and destruction are political exercises that make us smile in complicity with our affinity ones as we put them into action against the target chosen during the organization of an action. Routine is being broken up, we leave no space to authority’s lovers or those who play politics and go to the police and protect the property of others who ruin their lives with huge debts.
It’s time we became faster, we expect nothing nor do we have anything to expect from education and its puppets (comrades, leaders, directors, politicians); we negotiate nothing nor do we have anything to negotiate with the State/Capital; we need to start acting towards the exacerbation of the conflict with power so as to see it being destroyed in front of our eyes.
In memory of anarchist-nihilist comrade Sebastián Oversluij Seguel, who together with unknown persons emptied a room of a great many computers and electrical appliances for political purposes in the Juan Gómes Millas campus, Universidad de Chile, on 19th November 2010. (3)
Without any doubt such an inspiring story calls us to dedicate our raids and destructive gestures to Pelao Angry, who fell in an expropriation action in Pudahuel on 11/12/2013.
(1) We’ve been appreciating disorder, plunder and destruction during students’ demonstrations since 2006, with continuity in autumn 2008 and a decrease in intensity in 2011, which has lasted to this day with variable presence and strength. Throughout all these years, unquestionably, with an anarchist/anti-authoritarian fighting presence that left no one indifferent.
(2) Municipio de Santiago: the damage amounts to over 1,300 millions [of Chilean pesos]
(3) Extract form the second edition of the book ‘Promesa de Guerra’, December 2015.
Croceneranarchica.org via contrainfo
Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

Santiago, Chile: Incendiary attack against a Transantiago bus by Herminia Concha Nucleus of Attack

fire isolated over black background

To the anarchists of praxis
To the prisoners and fugitives of the social war

On the night of August 18 we activated an incendiary device during the journey of the 110 Transantiago bus in the neighborhood of Maipú. We do not whether our handcrafted ingenuity was a success or not as the action was silenced by the media.

We carried out this action in accordance with our ideas, principles and convictions. We seek to attack the service that transports thousands of people that reproduce the gears of the capitalist system. This service is one more cog, one that is destroying the earth and is complicit in the death of human and animal comrades. Our action damages the machinery of the social order, the law, its guardians, civilization and power.

Against all odds, when times are tough, we do not immobilize ourselves and continue to attack. We are not indifferent to the political prisoners, nor to the solidarity campaigns that arise for them, despite the various onslaughts of power. For our prisoners, fugitives and fallen we continue unabated.

Like yesterday, today and tomorrow, the attack is first!
Fire and gunpowder to civilization!
Let’s multiply the anarchic attack everywhere!

Herminia Concha Nucleus of Attack

(via Contra Info, translated into English by Insurrection News)

Chile: New text from anarchist prisoners Tamara Sol Farías and Natalia Tato Collado

Comrades Tamara Sol and Natalia Collado have sent this statement on the occasion of the following initiatives: Anti-authoritarian Day for Comrades Tamara Sol, Natalia and Nataly at the Libertarian Library Manuel Rojas, Sunday, July 17 and the 1st Anti-authoritarian Café Literario at the Kanno Suga and Denjiro Kotoku library, Saturday, July 30.

To the comrades, those in affinity, to those present. We were surprised to learn of this initiative, and we consider it very highly knowing that it is an initiative that comes from people whom we do not know or with whom we have no ties, who as individuals and as a group feel the desire to come together in an act of solidarity and affinities, which we greet with the affection and strength that we receive and which gives us the energy to face the prison context as we would like to.

Three weeks have passed since we found ourselves in the maximum-security section of the prison where, unlike the rest of the prison population (the other pavilions), we cannot get out of the section unless handcuffed and with a guard at our side to control us. Likewise we are prevented from participating in learning or recreational activities apart from going out a couple of days to play women’s football at the field.

This highlights the fear that institutions have for libertarians, anarchists and people who collide with the system and civilization. This in the women’s prison at least.

But in this context we are trying to break the isolation and control also of our ideas through learning spaces such as a kitchen garden that we have built from recycled materials, and at the moment we are waiting for the tailoring and screen printing project here in the section, in addition to other things that we have in mind.

We want you to know that we are happy to be together and to be working to nourish our ideas and also strengthen more bonds and practices such as forms of confrontation with the established order. And on this point we are preoccupied about the arrests of comrades that have increased following the new law on weapons and explosives control involving prohibitive convictions and no benefits from 3 to 5 years for those with a weapon or a Molotov, as well as for those who activate incendiary devices or explosives.

Faced with this new panorama, and weighing up the costs in terms of a greater number of arrested comrades, we think that at the time of passing to the attack through an action, it is important to consider the aim, the potency and effectiveness thereof and at the same time broaden the objectives and see the weak points of the patriarchal, techno-industrial capitalist machine, physically as well as morally and in ideas.

We recall as points of reference actions such as attacks, expropriations for which now sees a comrade in captivity in Spain; the wave of churches burned in the South; the technological and scientific centers destroyed; the car bomb at Microsoft; Rote Zora’s actions against patriarchy; the CCF, the Mapuche and the affinity groups that organize and conspire in anonymity…

From these cells, we send you our love, receiving the strength and solidarity that you have generated.

Tamara Sol Farías and Tato (Natalia Collado).

S.E.A.S. (Maximum security section of San Joaquín prison).

(via Act For Freedom Now!)Tamara Sol FaríasTamara Sol Farías