Santiago, Chile: Noise bomb attack against the police church by Anarchic Group of Unpatriotic Heretics FAI-FRI


Mobilizing our anti-authoritarian strength in concrete actions of hostility towards the power, we attacked the Evangelical Church of the Carabineros of Chile (located in the center of Santiago) with a noise bomb. We chose the night of September 19 for our action, the day in Chile when the State and the citizen masses celebrate the ‘Fiestas Patrias’ and render honor to the Armed Forces and the police.

Our action is a sign of repudiation against the festive atmosphere of nationalism and alienation promoted by the State and voluntarily accepted by the social majority functional to power.

We send our solidarity to comrade Juan Flores and the comrade Nataly Casanova, two years since their arrest accused of installing explosive devices. We also greet the comrades Juan Aliste, Marcel Villarroel, Freddy Fuentevilla and Natalia Collado. May our solidarity be transformed into fire and explosions for the comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, the imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Angeliki Spyropoulou in Greece, the comrades Nicola Gai, Alfredo Cospito and the comrades recently arrested in Italy for the attacks of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI).

Against the Church, the nation, repression and all forms of control over our lives.
Our deafening noise is a cry for freedom.

Anarchic Group of Unpatriotic Heretics (FAI/FRI)


Movilizando nuestra fuerza anti-autoritaria en acciones concretas de hostilidad hacia el poder, atacamos con una bomba de ruido la Iglesia Evangelica de Carabineros de Chile (ubicada en el centro de Santiago). Elegimos para nuestra accion la noche del 19 de septiembre, dia en que en Chile el Estado y la masa ciudadana festejan las “Fiestas Patrias” y rinden honores a las Fuerzas Armadas y de Orden.

Nuestro acto es una muestra de repudio ante clima festivo de nacionalismo y enajenacion promovido por el Estado y voluntariamente aceptado por la mayora social funcional al poder

Enviamos nuestra solidaridad al companero Juan Flores y a la companera Nataly Casanova a dos anos de su arresto acusadxs de instalar artefactos explosivos. Tambien saludamos a lxs companerxs Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villarroel, Freddy Fuentevilla y Natalia Collao.
Que la solidaridad se transforme en incendios y explosiones por lxs companerxs Monica Caballero y Francisco Solar, lxs companerxs presxs de la Cospiracion de Celulas del Fuego y la companera Aggeliky Spyropoulou en Grecia, lxs companerxs Nicola Gai, Alfredo Cospito y lxs companerxs detenidxs recientemente en Italia por ataques de la Federacion Anarquista Informal (FAI).

Contra la Iglesia, la Patria, la represion y toda forma de control sobre nuestras vidas.
Nuestro ruido ensordecedor es un grito de libertad.

Grupo anarquico de herejes anti-patriotas (FAI/FRI)

( via : insurrectionnewsworldwide)

Greece: Intervention in Thessaloniki for the case of Angeliki Spyropoulou, Panos Mixalakoglou and the impending eviction of Biblioteca Kaos in Porto Alegre, Brazil


Angeliki Spyropoulou was arrested on March 2, 2015 and is held in Korydallos prison. She has claimed full responsibility for her role in the attempted escape of the CCF from Korydallos prison. At her trial she was sentenced to 28 years imprisonment.

Panos Mixalakoglou was arrested on October 1, 2014 in Athens and detained in the prisons of Nigrita and Serres. He was convicted for possession of a gun. He was entitled to prisoner leave 5 months ago however the prison refuse to give it to him.

The squat Biblioteca Kaos in Porto Alegre, Brazil is a place which functions as a library and as a venue for events since 11 June, 2015. In July 2016, they received an eviction order for August 4, 2016.


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(via insurrectionnewsworldwide)